This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 14.400 players.
The king of the arena is firesnake of the Volnomyslienkari undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is ***STONE*** of the ScourgeOfGod undefeated for less than 1 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
13.301 | Gaye | 1233112 | 42 | en | 58 |
13.302 | Acier | Luvovete | 103 | bg | 32 |
13.303 | GossiP | POLSKA_HUSARIA | 99 | en | 301 |
13.304 | Ambipur | StrongerTogether | 103 | en | 50 |
13.305 | Lama_Bojowa | TWIERDZA | 151 | en | 48 |
13.306 | Richty | DeezNuts | 12 | cz | 54 |
13.307 | KvmilEXE | - | 35 | pl | 61 |
13.308 | VOLKO | Gladiators | 27 | ar | 43 |
13.309 | Dragonize | Eru | 96 | tr | 58 |
13.310 | MedicusMagnus | HEAD_HUNTERS | 66 | en | 51 |
13.311 | PrefectPudens | Old^SchooL | 49 | en | 301 |
13.312 | Iluminata | INFINITY | 106 | en | 71 |
13.313 | Ambipur-s11 | GhostHunters | 111 | en | 63 |
13.314 | m4rKoLa | Blood_Brothers2 | 46 | br | 54 |
13.315 | Markos | OnePiece | 87 | tr | 58 |
13.316 | Gablue | Dabighead117 | 72 | en | 65 |
13.317 | FlameOfAnor | ROMANIA-SWAT | 90 | en | 62 |
13.318 | KaCastilho | _DusBaum | 87 | en | 65 |
13.319 | Lilito | Orden_of_Enlightenment | 55 | bg | 29 |
13.320 | AugustaOppius | ju-juy | 35 | en | 62 |
13.321 | RaMSeS | Colosseum | 107 | tr | 57 |
13.322 | VilicusCrassus | - | 34 | cz | 55 |
13.323 | DonVitoCorleone | HunBox2 | 114 | en | 301 |
13.324 | Filenzi | CrimsonCollarGuild | 94 | sk | 40 |
13.325 | AVITOHOL | MastersPolska | 103 | en | 49 |
13.326 | MedicusUrsus | - | n/a | en | 301 |
13.327 | Mayu | KASTOR | 90 | en | 47 |
13.328 | PrimusTuscus | - | 11 | tr | 57 |
13.329 | makak | - | 87 | en | 65 |
13.330 | AkatsukiAti69 | The_Shadow_Garden | 87 | en | 71 |
13.331 | D-Ace | Forum_Gladiatora_2 | 92 | en | 301 |
13.332 | MosZone | MSK | 107 | en | 60 |
13.333 | Belarius | Roman-Empire | 99 | de | 48 |
13.334 | Sernando | WizardTeam | 76 | pl | 61 |
13.335 | nExTBELEA | ROMANIA* | 87 | en | 301 |
13.336 | assassin002 | adsfa | 80 | en | 64 |
13.337 | byakkomaru | Keep_Yourself_Safe | 31 | sk | 38 |
13.338 | Railvenel | Gladiatis | 97 | en | 64 |
13.339 | ayo | Otuken | 102 | tr | 58 |
13.340 | Beorn | House | 92 | en | 58 |
13.341 | Tarkanium | - | 6 | br | 52 |
13.342 | skysea | CEZALANDIRICI | 101 | en | 58 |
13.343 | DiscensHypatos | - | 8 | br | 54 |
13.344 | SirPitterson | .Spartans | 91 | en | 301 |
13.345 | zeno11 | Wolfpack. | 98 | en | 61 |
13.346 | CaesarHypatius | The_Shadow_Garden | 94 | en | 71 |
13.347 | YAMYAM | Eru | 93 | tr | 58 |
13.348 | Masturbis | The.Golden.Horde. | 121 | en | 55 |
13.349 | SenatorArbitio | Ghosts | 89 | pl | 61 |
13.350 | TiT | KozmikOda | 93 | tr | 58 |
13.351 | DepiX | Sweet_Dreams | 87 | cz | 55 |
13.352 | Rock_Lee | Aldeia_da_Folha | 32 | br | 53 |
13.353 | -_-Desmag-_- | AmandoAJah | 93 | es | 54 |
13.354 | Sirka | Millionero | 86 | cz | 55 |
13.355 | AurigaCassius | Dominadores | 51 | es | 54 |
13.356 | Decimus-Maximus | - | n/a | it | 46 |
13.357 | Dilius | Spitalul9 | 95 | ro | 46 |
13.358 | KnutenSko | Tranaus | 71 | en | 71 |
13.359 | Jonathan_Peru | DarkBrotherHood | 91 | us | 36 |
13.360 | Ackerman | TheWarriors | 89 | en | 68 |
13.361 | ThePrince | Supporters | 45 | ru | 28 |
13.362 | Gateberg | .Spartans | 89 | en | 301 |
13.363 | barred | 4FuN | 89 | pl | 61 |
13.364 | Jazon | KASTOR | 135 | en | 47 |
13.365 | Iladius | - | n/a | br | 52 |
13.366 | ATLAS* | MvP | 95 | tr | 58 |
13.367 | DreamSlayer | IMMORTALS | 52 | bg | 32 |
13.368 | AVSAR | Ronin | 61 | tr | 58 |
13.369 | b3as7 | BG_GODFATHERS | 88 | en | 65 |
13.370 | DiscensSeleucus | -RomE- | 92 | en | 71 |
13.371 | Nimeni-Altu | FRiendship_ROad | 101 | en | 59 |
13.372 | Sukufe | Praetorians | 94 | fr | 51 |
13.373 | Aegon | - | 21 | tr | 58 |
13.374 | Ballipuro | Eru | 122 | tr | 58 |
13.375 | =Reiter= | Gladiatori_di_Tellus | 60 | en | 63 |
13.376 | Davy | FakinAngels | 86 | en | 71 |
13.377 | VicariiLicinius | LA_CAUSA_WORLD | 13 | en | 70 |
13.378 | miki.86 | _PHOENIX_ | 104 | en | 62 |
13.379 | GINTARAS. | .Spartans | 132 | en | 301 |
13.380 | XxS4M4El | - | 22 | br | 55 |
13.381 | Doflamingo | [LEGENDS] | 138 | en | 51 |
13.382 | Vibrator | SKRAELINGS | 89 | us | 32 |
13.383 | Yonalej | - | 20 | ar | 43 |
13.384 | role | Forum_Gladiatora | 87 | en | 69 |
13.385 | ConsulVinicius | - | 20 | ro | 43 |
13.386 | DuplaNulla | 00 | 15 | hu | 43 |
13.387 | Sashko | - | 29 | bg | 32 |
13.388 | Vrbisz | ForumGladiatorum | 85 | cz | 55 |
13.389 | G0DLESS! | Ronin | 61 | tr | 58 |
13.390 | -Szabika- | - | 60 | en | 51 |
13.391 | 999 | Melnas | 84 | en | 63 |
13.392 | Yuki | STF | 119 | br | 54 |
13.393 | Lordrip | Legion_Del_Caos | 105 | en | 59 |
13.394 | VilicusAcilius | - | 31 | pl | 59 |
13.395 | Since2009 | Nordic_Legion | 96 | en | 60 |
13.396 | Berserker | - | 74 | sk | 39 |
13.397 | RickyRippe | NewOrder | 97 | en | 49 |
13.398 | Loeya | _DusBaum | 94 | en | 65 |
13.399 | OtB_RedBaron | TiGeR_Corporation_2 | 90 | en | 51 |
13.400 | Sander | Legendy | 60 | cz | 55 |