Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 13.973 players.

The king of the arena is [L.IX.H]Ange of the Les_Guerriers_Du_Sphinx undefeated for 2 hour
Second in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 2 hour
Third in the arena is _Duke_ of the Dukes_Gilde undefeated for less than 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
13.301 VilicusAcilius - 31 pl 59
13.302 Acier Luvovete 103 bg 32
13.303 GossiP POLSKA_HUSARIA 99 en 301
13.304 Eisenherz The_Shadow_Garden 98 en 71
13.305 Lama_Bojowa TWIERDZA 151 en 48
13.306 Wozy - 42 en 71
13.307 KvmilEXE - 35 pl 61
13.308 KnutenSko Tranaus 70 en 71
13.309 Dragonize Eru 96 tr 58
13.310 MedicusMagnus HEAD_HUNTERS 66 en 51
13.311 PrefectPudens Old^SchooL 49 en 301
13.312 Iluminata INFINITY 106 en 71
13.313 Ambipur-s11 GhostHunters 111 en 63
13.314 barred 4FuN 87 pl 61
13.315 Markos OnePiece 87 tr 58
13.316 Gablue Dabighead117 72 en 65
13.317 WSK_125 WizardTeam 80 pl 61
13.318 KaCastilho _DusBaum 87 en 65
13.319 SnowGhoust AcademyPLH 69 en 301
13.320 AugustaOppius ju-juy 35 en 62
13.321 Nimeni-Altu -ROMANIA- 90 en 59
13.322 VilicusCrassus - 34 cz 55
13.323 DonVitoCorleone HunBox2 114 en 301
13.324 Ballipuro Eru 95 tr 58
13.325 DiscensHypatos - 8 br 54
13.326 HodiPamela.HG Holy-Gang 10 en 63
13.327 Mayu KASTOR 90 en 47
13.328 Aminah - 25 en 71
13.329 makak - 87 en 65
13.330 AkatsukiAti69 The_Shadow_Garden 87 en 71
13.331 D-Ace Forum_Gladiatora_2 92 en 301
13.332 skysea CEZALANDIRICI 96 en 58
13.333 Belarius Roman-Empire 99 de 48
13.334 dydus - n/a pl 61
13.335 nExTBELEA ROMANIA* 87 en 301
13.336 Detox - 28 en 301
13.337 TwojaStara - 33 pl 61
13.338 Railvenel Gladiatis 97 en 64
13.339 G0DLESS! - 20 tr 58
13.340 Beorn House 92 en 58
13.341 Tarkanium - 6 br 52
13.342 Stanys STF 107 br 54
13.343 TiMazZ - 7 en 71
13.344 SirPitterson .Spartans 91 en 301
13.345 zeno11 Wolfpack. 98 en 61
13.346 Berserker Testosterone 74 sk 39
13.347 YAMYAM Eru 93 tr 58
13.348 ReTuN GLAD 90 tw 20
13.349 SenatorArbitio Ghosts 89 pl 61
13.350 TiT KozmikOda 93 tr 58
13.351 OptioMunatius Vikings 30 il 10
13.352 Rock_Lee Aldeia_da_Folha 32 br 53
13.353 -_-Desmag-_- AmandoAJah 93 es 54
13.354 Sirka Millionero 86 cz 55
13.355 AurigaCassius Dominadores 51 es 54
13.356 mummu Elite-Legionis 20 en 47
13.357 Dilius Spitalul9 95 ro 46
13.358 CaesarLucius - 11 pl 59
13.359 Jonathan_Peru DarkBrotherHood 87 us 36
13.360 Ackerman TheWarriors 89 en 68
13.361 ThePrince Supporters 45 ru 28
13.362 Gateberg .Spartans 89 en 301
13.363 SteveHUN Winners 20 hu 45
13.364 spovn Elite-Gladiators 90 pl 60
13.365 Iladius - n/a br 52
13.366 ATLAS* MvP 95 tr 58
13.367 Azola - 10 en 70
13.368 AVSAR Ronin 61 tr 58
13.369 b3as7 BG_GODFATHERS 88 en 65
13.370 DiscensSeleucus -RomE- 92 en 71
13.371 LictorProbus - 11 en 71
13.372 Sukufe Praetorians 94 fr 51
13.373 Brnov Millionero 60 cz 55
13.374 Yenn KrajowyRejestrDlugow 50 pl 61
13.375 Orodreth OrtaDunya 88 en 61
13.376 Davy FakinAngels 86 en 71
13.377 TomaszChic - n/a en 301
13.378 OtB_RedBaron TiGeR_Corporation_2 90 en 51
13.379 GINTARAS. .Spartans 132 en 301
13.380 XxS4M4El - 22 br 55
13.381 Doflamingo [LEGENDS] 138 en 51
13.382 Venom Volnomyslienkari 96 en 58
13.383 Brumrak - 27 cz 55
13.384 role Forum_Gladiatora 87 en 69
13.385 k1ocezary SOLIDNEKOKOSY 34 pl 61
13.386 Jeremiasz - 22 de 43
13.387 CzarodziejCzasu LegendSquad 105 pl 57
13.388 Vrbisz ForumGladiatorum 85 cz 55
13.389 PaterAnicius - 10 en 301
13.390 -Szabika- - 60 en 51
13.391 999 Melnas 84 en 63
13.392 Escargotsius - 7 en 71
13.393 Major - n/a cz 55
13.394 Messi - n/a us 36
13.395 Since2009 Nordic_Legion 96 en 60
13.396 MrChapa - 81 en 63
13.397 RickyRippe NewOrder 97 en 49
13.398 [XRS]Sorbon Sweet_Dreams 96 cz 55
13.399 lingaen SKT 102 en 58
13.400 Sander Legendy 59 cz 55