Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 14.018 players.

The king of the arena is _-^ALPERENiM^-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is PRINS_HECTOR of the LUDUS_LATINUS undefeated for 7 hours

# Name Guild Level Country Server
13.701 nigellette - 34 en 71
13.702 PrimusSabinus 78 br 53
13.703 Vin-Diesel yxc 134 en 58
13.704 Dan-Bogdan Society 61 ro 46
13.705 Marvelus97 .Spartans.Academy 10 en 301
13.706 LegatusPlancus Valhalla 61 sk 40
13.707 YuNiD HuNs 62 tr 58
13.708 Dragneel LIBERATUS 79 es 54
13.709 [EB]Lucy93(2) - 8 en 51
13.710 El_Scorpion1911 Forum_Gladiatora 107 en 61
13.711 DZELS_DIEVS - 134 en 51
13.712 Knuckles PRABA 89 en 71
13.713 lubiezajarac KrajowyRejestrDlugow 94 pl 61
13.714 Pluto CandyLand 94 en 51
13.715 Sooldo -RomE- 89 en 71
13.716 Kaelfamir GALLI 50 it 42
13.717 izak3600 Humanity_United 121 en 63
13.718 AugustaTacitus KILLS 154 en 49
13.719 CriticalHiT SaseCaiFrumosi 82 ro 46
13.720 DraboliQ 85 en 59
13.721 Matej441 Valhalla 57 sk 40
13.722 DsPia AmandoAJah 41 es 54
13.723 Manka TheGreatWarriors 52 en 71
13.724 Gajanella - 37 pl 59
13.725 S.Murat Ozl.Hrk 73 tr 58
13.726 Massacra Nemesis 126 hu 44
13.727 Baruch OnePiece 104 tr 58
13.728 KingOfGladiatus DarkBrotherHood 26 us 36
13.729 Thoq The_Shadow_Garden 89 en 71
13.730 CuriaCicero TW 32 en 60
13.731 Rauzes ONE_PIECE 35 br 51
13.732 CellatKral ROTASIZLAR 20 tr 58
13.733 Ilendor - 84 cz 54
13.734 MackoLacko Nordic_Legion 91 en 60
13.735 PrensTurk Otuken 112 tr 58
13.736 OnPaJa Forum_Gladiatora 111 en 61
13.737 Tiaego Aurora 140 en 49
13.738 Josuelson Bonde-dos-Verdinhos 93 br 55
13.739 Zdenda Legendy_B 14 cz 55
13.740 Comenius Eru 87 tr 58
13.741 Dark_Creator `Dark_Forest` 217 en 51
13.742 RomulusAugustus The_Shadow_Garden 94 en 71
13.743 BMM Old_werewolve 80 en 49
13.744 Darkmaxor463 Force-Honneur-Respect-7 93 en 63
13.745 DeYn[CZ] PRABA 89 en 71
13.746 UggiUP - 13 cz 55
13.747 Spender - 21 br 54
13.748 Dadd - 9 en 71
13.749 CALACA - 14 en 301
13.750 Jvnck Testosterone 82 sk 39
13.751 SetyTheGod [CZ]PHOENIX 10 en 71
13.752 Athena Valhalla 76 sk 40
13.753 inigol70 - 90 en 65
13.754 Kalion Valhalla 73 sk 40
13.755 samonosuke TheOriginals 191 en 59
13.756 VilicusOlybrius -=VZO=- 58 ba 23
13.757 Zagironas Just-do-it 15 lt 19
13.758 LegatusFelix .Spartans.Academy 95 en 301
13.759 Cartolys Ahjin 25 fr 50
13.760 Luftmensch HuNs 82 tr 58
13.761 NajakiotMKD The_Triad 88 en 47
13.762 Ayttoz HeroesInvictus 87 hu 48
13.763 Matt Internal 28 hu 45
13.764 GValerius Dragon 23 hu 48
13.765 zarpaz Praetorians 9 fr 51
13.766 OptioAper _Archa_ 70 cz 54
13.767 Kim_Melo - 22 br 55
13.768 Bajanella BajaBongo 18 pl 60
13.769 EowenaWielkaPL - 14 pl 61
13.770 Rebeliant KASTOR 86 en 47
13.771 Maxter/Kid ARIE 38 nl 26
13.772 Kordy Legendy 87 cz 55
13.773 El_Tamayo Cinco_Reinos 115 en 65
13.774 Addiction - 9 en 71
13.775 TribunePlinta - 33 en 301
13.776 Terasus -COLOSSEUM- 101 en 58
13.777 HitomiTanaka HitomiTanaka 33 no 12
13.778 Ashubi KaleRakkers 87 nl 26
13.779 Kaczorx3 POLSKA_HUSARIA 90 en 301
13.780 Cloe Vendetta 29 en 71
13.781 Reiter Hungarian-Heroes 98 en 301
13.782 ZERA Astral_Bloom 13 en 51
13.783 Assassin98CZ FraternalBlood 27 en 64
13.784 Sain HeroesInvictus 88 hu 48
13.785 bladee GLOBAL 95 en 71
13.786 Pan_Prezydent Pogromcy-Mafii 144 en 50
13.787 hunharcos Feel_The_Rebel_Power 141 en 63
13.788 fjudezeus -iLUMINATi- 14 en 62
13.789 PrefectFlavius2 - n/a en 70
13.790 PuszekOkruszek - 8 pl 60
13.791 Mayiyah PIBESDEBARRIO 84 ar 43
13.792 Captain Dothraki 134 ae 35
13.793 EFKAN.55 HuNs 41 tr 58
13.794 jpp67763 Force-Honneur-Respect-7 85 en 63
13.795 Nikker HateNikkers 8 pl 60
13.796 wertli VelkeEgo 29 cz 54
13.797 GandalftheGrey - 7 tr 57
13.798 HenTenTamTen Sweet_Dreams 90 cz 55
13.799 saska OrtaDunya 92 en 61
13.800 Buratika The_Shadow_Garden 89 en 71