Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 15.357 players.

The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
14.001 Kannikas - 60 en 49
14.002 Adison - 87 en 71
14.003 KING-FERR* Dr4matic 84 ar 44
14.004 GValerius Out_of_Control 53 hu 48
14.005 RenziinTk - 25 ar 40
14.006 Malinda IMPERIUM42/0 71 br 56
14.007 Nothing_Lose ...... 21 tr 58
14.008 CensorLibo Klusiolaki 85 pl 61
14.009 CaesarIohannes Black_Team 93 pl 62
14.010 E1nSte1n -=FALKA=- 90 en 63
14.011 Hownss IMPERIO 82 en 62
14.012 Ares DarkBrotherHood 119 us 36
14.013 Gajanella Bialy_Legion 48 pl 59
14.014 GUMUS - 24 tr 58
14.015 Rauzes - 46 br 51
14.016 Letalwings Flipaos_Zaidin_AYV 148 en 65
14.017 Fahre - 89 de 49
14.018 -Lennard- - 113 en 50
14.019 MrGOODCOMBO TheLusT 126 en 50
14.020 Katyrene TiGeR-Corporation 217 en 51
14.021 Dorngarn - 86 en 301
14.022 Escargotsius - 7 en 71
14.023 IngenuiCaligula *RONIN_COHORS* 86 it 41
14.024 Veron Roman-Empire 79 de 48
14.025 CellatKral ROTASIZLAR 21 tr 58
14.026 Laz - 109 tr 59
14.027 HatakeKakashi `Dark_Forest` 139 en 51
14.028 LictorProbus - 11 en 71
14.029 psSTAREGALLs --ABSOLUT-- 86 en 62
14.030 Shevsa - 19 tr 59
14.031 azerty91 LEGIO_IX_HISPANA 58 en 63
14.032 Sall101 GLOBAL 98 en 71
14.033 LGBTQWERTY - 84 en 63
14.034 Brixos - 37 en 301
14.035 DefendYourSeLf -RomE- 123 en 71
14.036 Kza - 32 en 71
14.037 Deyja *-_Atreides_-* 86 cz 56
14.038 Nagybaaa Hr 87 hu 43
14.039 Slaboch14 - 85 cz 55
14.040 Pertinax - 13 en 71
14.041 NME ODMETNICI 86 en 51
14.042 Thania - 21 en 71
14.043 Spawn - 11 tr 58
14.044 Vicez IMPERO_ITALIANO 20 en 301
14.045 #Unknown - n/a en 64
14.046 Dikostral Old^SchooL 96 en 301
14.047 Salierka ThugHunters 84 en 71
14.048 SMK PRABA 99 en 71
14.049 BigJohn - 24 pl 61
14.050 MedicusJunius .Spartans.Academy 95 en 301
14.051 TARAPEPAKK - 34 it 46
14.052 sweasy -=Der-Magistrat=- 88 de 49
14.053 Haps - 22 us 37
14.054 mihrdat - 33 en 301
14.055 PrefectFlavius2 - n/a en 70
14.056 ZaiYox Ahjin 20 fr 50
14.057 Aliatus HuNs 108 tr 58
14.058 Equler OnePiece 109 tr 58
14.059 GumboJack HunNemzet 91 hu 49
14.060 Seqn HADES 83 pl 61
14.061 Matej441 Valhalla 72 sk 40
14.062 Dar3DeVilL - 22 en 301
14.063 Crelox Eru 88 tr 58
14.064 HitomiTanaka HitomiTanaka 34 no 12
14.065 Gannicus- Otuken 101 tr 58
14.066 JulioMAXIMUS Colosseum 153 tr 57
14.067 -=GodriC=- Valhalla 96 en 72
14.068 Mortok TheGreatWarriors 86 en 71
14.069 Zimmermann - 96 en 301
14.070 ViceVersa MEYHANE 120 tr 59
14.071 Marokus Ghosts 59 pl 61
14.072 [XRS]Johannes Sweet_Dreams 95 cz 55
14.073 Yoriko - 37 en 64
14.074 Anima-Rubis - 20 fr 50
14.075 Dessirtan Senatus.Populusque.Romanus 87 bg 33
14.076 Robb Ataturkiye 89 tr 55
14.077 fisk lazy-peon 35 en 71
14.078 FakToR_X ElitaBalkan 140 en 60
14.079 Gratus - 83 pl 61
14.080 Khan - 85 tr 59
14.081 PrimusHedius ARIE 19 nl 26
14.082 Karabin Pogromcy-Mafii 151 en 50
14.083 lucidreamer - 46 en 301
14.084 Gulfix Testosterone 34 sk 39
14.085 Alrond Nemesis 100 hu 44
14.086 SIYAH MEYHANE 94 tr 59
14.087 Bosph0rus TRAKYA 98 en 72
14.088 DeSTuR*53* - 8 en 301
14.089 Fedekerido LIBERATUS 95 es 54
14.090 Xun Latvija 83 lv 16
14.091 Moody SPARTA 51 sk 42
14.092 MeDJaY CEZALANDIRICI 23 en 58
14.093 Alerilath - 41 cz 56
14.094 Morgoth ForumGladiatorum 87 cz 55
14.095 Spartacus95 GloryOfRome 85 hu 43
14.096 Lucas ZeitenKampf 28 en 301
14.097 Flashidius 71 en 59
14.098 Sorloth KEMIKTAYFA 101 tr 59
14.099 Zgredek1981PL - 10 en 301
14.100 #Unknown - n/a cz 56