This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.357 players.
The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
14.301 | Darth_Sneooo | Sith_Lords | 130 | cz | 54 |
14.302 | Mahito | GLOBAL | 129 | en | 71 |
14.303 | PuszekOkruszek | - | 8 | pl | 60 |
14.304 | Bers | RRome | 69 | en | 60 |
14.305 | Sabinache | - | 31 | en | 301 |
14.306 | PsyChoDeX | ZELEZNA_LEGIE | 95 | en | 64 |
14.307 | Destino | - | 34 | en | 301 |
14.308 | Gorzan | - | 45 | us | 36 |
14.309 | Preacher | ETERNAL1 | 139 | en | 58 |
14.310 | yogi | MEYHANE | 86 | tr | 59 |
14.311 | PaterAnnius | - | 29 | en | 71 |
14.312 | BLASFEMO | Infinity_ | 112 | en | 50 |
14.313 | Thracian | TRAKYA | 97 | en | 72 |
14.314 | Corhey | - | 45 | es | 55 |
14.315 | Piasu | Piasu | 15 | en | 64 |
14.316 | AedileFabius | The_Shadow_Garden_II | 13 | en | 71 |
14.317 | Angelius | Valhalla | 85 | en | 72 |
14.318 | false | true | n/a | en | 51 |
14.319 | Palermo | Shadow_Sky | 86 | es | 55 |
14.320 | SPARTANIS | MithrasCZ | 119 | en | 64 |
14.321 | LegatusSosius | Namek | 98 | de | 46 |
14.322 | [EB]Lucy93(2) | Empire_Bay | 9 | en | 51 |
14.323 | Mengara | Dark_Forest_Academy | 51 | en | 51 |
14.324 | Pullo | VENI.VIDI.VICI! | 113 | en | 58 |
14.325 | Blaisevs | Spartans | 24 | en | 72 |
14.326 | Bartolomeo | AGARTA | 109 | en | 58 |
14.327 | Mayed | - | 11 | de | 49 |
14.328 | MasterHaterius | Lipikar | 144 | en | 55 |
14.329 | PICKURUSU | - | 8 | en | 72 |
14.330 | Addiction | - | 9 | en | 71 |
14.331 | Corsing | - | 54 | tr | 59 |
14.332 | Shlop | Forum_Gladiatora_2 | 47 | en | 301 |
14.333 | Nikker | HateNikkers | 8 | pl | 60 |
14.334 | IngenuiUrsus | - | 98 | tr | 59 |
14.335 | Xerion | REVOLUCION_DE_ESPARTA | 51 | es | 55 |
14.336 | eXodia | TRAKYA | 101 | en | 72 |
14.337 | Zord | - | 86 | hu | 49 |
14.338 | Rizekxd | Dog_Soldiers | 105 | sk | 41 |
14.339 | kolbasz32 | -=FALKA=- | 96 | en | 63 |
14.340 | TPap | Donquixote-Family | 66 | gr | 22 |
14.341 | Gseiso | ........Stonehenge........ | 83 | en | 50 |
14.342 | Missclick | BrutalsFriendsForever | 74 | pl | 62 |
14.343 | pitrex02 | TURAN | 91 | tr | 59 |
14.344 | KnirKartacek | Buclate_Boubelky | 90 | cz | 56 |
14.345 | Skorumpovana | CrimsonCollarGuild | 25 | sk | 40 |
14.346 | CurioQuartus | -RomE- | 88 | en | 71 |
14.347 | DamnBurgher | - | 92 | pl | 61 |
14.348 | Deaths | - | 87 | en | 301 |
14.349 | Patrik | Valhalla | 109 | en | 72 |
14.350 | MeSmash | wat | 97 | ae | 36 |
14.351 | KRL | - | 85 | en | 72 |
14.352 | Andromeda | HunNemzet | 88 | hu | 49 |
14.353 | nA3 | PHOENIX | 91 | ro | 47 |
14.354 | Bloodstone | MEYHANE | 88 | tr | 59 |
14.355 | Doum | - | 48 | fr | 51 |
14.356 | Nephethise | Francs | 83 | fr | 47 |
14.357 | SibylLamia | Never_Say_Never | 13 | cz | 56 |
14.358 | Gseiso | LA_CAUSA | 86 | en | 59 |
14.359 | YourMom | - | 6 | cz | 55 |
14.360 | CurioOrfitus | - | 24 | en | 71 |
14.361 | TysioLeK | Master_of_Arena | 156 | en | 49 |
14.362 | Ghoul | Gladiatus_Latvia | 38 | en | 51 |
14.363 | hrbema | Fulminata | 10 | cz | 54 |
14.364 | yanakiev2024 | Senatus.Populusque.Romanus | 85 | bg | 33 |
14.365 | Ericksson | Dr4matic | 36 | ar | 44 |
14.366 | Artorias | ArsColossei | 46 | de | 49 |
14.367 | cihat | - | 26 | tr | 55 |
14.368 | blacksabbath | HuNs | 101 | tr | 58 |
14.369 | UKULAN | - | 13 | tr | 58 |
14.370 | MaximusDecimus | - | 87 | cz | 56 |
14.371 | Galisosaurus | - | 38 | cz | 55 |
14.372 | Yaki | - | 30 | hu | 49 |
14.373 | Xerom | - | 47 | de | 49 |
14.374 | Wydra | AcademyPLH | 83 | en | 301 |
14.375 | DaarioNaharis | SuVaRi | 82 | en | 61 |
14.376 | tomec1 | - | 26 | en | 62 |
14.377 | #Unknown | - | n/a | en | 58 |
14.378 | Matthaeus | NoOneLivesForever | 25 | it | 46 |
14.379 | PrimusVettius | Curia_Raetorum | 40 | sk | 41 |
14.380 | Evocatii | Les_Aigles_de_Rome | 39 | en | 63 |
14.381 | General | Buclate_Boubelky | 86 | cz | 56 |
14.382 | SpajkTheGrejt | - | 23 | en | 301 |
14.383 | Senior | BRASIL | 84 | en | 72 |
14.384 | EmperorTitianus | - | 56 | de | 49 |
14.385 | Ingenui_Ovinius | - | 31 | en | 301 |
14.386 | Kingo | SenatusPopulusqueRomanus | 38 | bg | 33 |
14.387 | Miccull | - | 92 | en | 71 |
14.388 | Dictator | Never_Say_Never | 34 | cz | 56 |
14.389 | Hellzar | Pinguinos_Asesinos | 99 | es | 55 |
14.390 | SubaDuba | - | 8 | ro | 46 |
14.391 | ThePrince | -RomE- | 88 | en | 71 |
14.392 | PraetorGoku24 | - | 12 | pl | 62 |
14.393 | DCK | FAVELASNICEA | 11 | tr | 58 |
14.394 | Rambo | AncientLegion | 83 | en | 72 |
14.395 | Jericho | Destruction | 93 | en | 58 |
14.396 | Drusus | -=Der-Magistrat=- | 89 | de | 49 |
14.397 | RassClamVandam | Los_Galos | 87 | en | 65 |
14.398 | Chester | *Braterstwo_Miecza* | 81 | en | 47 |
14.399 | Bora_Bill | - | 18 | br | 55 |
14.400 | Espartana | PalaceOfJade | 13 | es | 50 |