Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 15.357 players.

The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
14.501 MagusLegatus - 6 cz 56
14.502 Widek - 82 pl 62
14.503 Provost Freedom 83 ba 23
14.504 SADEBI Ilnsanity 115 ru 29
14.505 XcX Memento_mori 106 lv 15
14.506 chillout2k 4FuN 92 pl 61
14.507 Buggy Game-Test 15 en 59
14.508 TribuneLamia BrutalsFriendsForever 85 pl 62
14.509 Praetorian TRAKYA 62 en 72
14.510 Picha74 Dr4matic 81 ar 44
14.511 Jukela Forum_Gladiatora 87 en 69
14.512 [-BB-]Fifasek Buclate_Boubelky 70 cz 56
14.513 _Peleador_ 96 br 53
14.514 Pepe ArsBellum 107 es 49
14.515 AdolforHitlerus - 83 pl 62
14.516 Titus - 61 en 301
14.517 Armene - 57 en 301
14.518 SynZrodla Cech_Wilkow 11 en 47
14.519 Disram Ahjin 92 fr 50
14.520 A.C.A.B.1907 KEMIKTAYFA 83 tr 59
14.521 LoveMonster Forum_Gladiatora_2 84 en 301
14.522 qShelby ASGARD 63 ro 49
14.523 Lechita Soplica_Truskawkowa 122 pl 61
14.524 Amix The_Shadow_Garden 74 en 71
14.525 Elinor Senatus.Populusque.Romanus 93 bg 33
14.526 AurigaBradua REVOLUCION_DE_ESPARTA 46 es 55
14.527 Sunyesssz HeroesInvictus 95 hu 48
14.528 ConsulCerialus No_Mercy 93 en 302
14.529 Wupas Valhalla 85 en 72
14.530 CALACA - 6 en 55
14.531 #Unknown - n/a tr 59
14.532 Strugurela Open-Universe 20 en 50
14.533 Barbar *-_Atreides_-* 93 cz 56
14.534 Lord_Noxx Cirkus 65 cz 56
14.535 Kabii99 Rebels_of_Inferno 81 en 64
14.536 OVERLORD HorionBosona 85 tr 59
14.537 Jack00 - 43 tr 59
14.538 Dawesonn Bellum_Gladiatorium 73 cz 50
14.539 reapz Szupercsapat 116 en 60
14.540 Carpophorus BRATIA 75 sk 41
14.541 Addsson Haven 84 en 51
14.542 [--Klapu--] TheOriginals 109 en 59
14.543 KillerPwned K-TEAM 33 en 72
14.544 mohaaaannad - 83 en 72
14.545 Bounty ARES 106 sk 41
14.546 DANY. BrutalsFriendsForever 86 pl 62
14.547 #Unknown - n/a en 49
14.548 Vyacheslav Red_Zvezda 126 en 62
14.549 Consulio - 24 en 301
14.550 Fredy - 34 en 50
14.551 rajdl1 - 15 cz 54
14.552 Miked30 TUGAS 30 pt 30
14.553 Onix_13 - 91 en 51
14.554 wolff1188 - 44 pl 61
14.555 Usko Valhalla 96 sk 40
14.556 KetaKarsten Fitna 55 en 72
14.557 NegroCarp 89 ar 44
14.558 SenatorManius - 41 en 70
14.559 Kockis Mordor 91 cz 56
14.560 lunky TheGreatWarriors 84 en 71
14.561 Volfgangas TheGreatWarriors2 93 en 72
14.562 D4ngar Kings 51 en 51
14.563 Kreatin +VikingHungary+ 84 en 59
14.564 GalaGala - 46 tw 22
14.565 Ragnace - 86 ar 44
14.566 Ynmiz WizardTeam 87 pl 61
14.567 Vikingen Top_Tier_Legends 93 pl 63
14.568 Grazl - 43 cz 55
14.569 Rasgador ONE_PIECE 82 br 56
14.570 Cojci TheSurvivors-original 88 en 63
14.571 tudatlan -=FALKA=- 172 en 63
14.572 PeaceFaker Kings 119 en 51
14.573 gon Force-Et-Honneur 81 fr 48
14.574 Chaos HorionBosona 119 tr 59
14.575 HH_Messi_HH Trojan-Hungarian-Empire 244 en 59
14.576 Georgin - 90 en 72
14.577 Hrabosh - 84 cz 56
14.578 Freaky TheGreatWarriors2 86 en 72
14.579 Vicious Otuken 108 tr 58
14.580 Fhenser Cinco_Reinos_l 97 en 65
14.581 Pan_Lusterko ..GLADIATORS.. 106 en 55
14.582 Cheatsy - 83 de 49
14.583 Mystina Secret-Special-Force 90 tw 22
14.584 Gringo BrutalsFriendsForever 67 pl 62
14.585 RagnarKing TEMERIA 87 pl 61
14.586 OptioNevitta *ChlopakiDoWziecia* 86 pl 62
14.587 Romano ONE_PIECE 92 br 56
14.588 QueL ARES 87 sk 41
14.589 Ozkiyici TURAN 25 tr 59
14.590 DanDaDan SUPRANATURAL 96 ro 48
14.591 #Unknown - n/a en 59
14.592 Akikopapaci Eskiler 113 tr 59
14.593 NoNaMe HuNgLaDs 25 hu 49
14.594 Mortadela REYES_DE_MARFIL 77 mx 33
14.595 Putzkolonne Putzekkippe 128 de 48
14.596 PilusArbitio 84 ar 44
14.597 JetBlackHeart Sake 106 en 48
14.598 solosefu - 10 en 72
14.599 Nicolaya ONE_PIECE 42 br 56
14.600 Maxter SK-CZ-Komunita 31 en 301