This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.357 players.
The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
14.501 | MagusLegatus | - | 6 | cz | 56 |
14.502 | Widek | - | 82 | pl | 62 |
14.503 | Provost | Freedom | 83 | ba | 23 |
14.504 | SADEBI | Ilnsanity | 115 | ru | 29 |
14.505 | XcX | Memento_mori | 106 | lv | 15 |
14.506 | chillout2k | 4FuN | 92 | pl | 61 |
14.507 | Buggy | Game-Test | 15 | en | 59 |
14.508 | TribuneLamia | BrutalsFriendsForever | 85 | pl | 62 |
14.509 | Praetorian | TRAKYA | 62 | en | 72 |
14.510 | Picha74 | Dr4matic | 81 | ar | 44 |
14.511 | Jukela | Forum_Gladiatora | 87 | en | 69 |
14.512 | [-BB-]Fifasek | Buclate_Boubelky | 70 | cz | 56 |
14.513 | _Peleador_ | | 96 | br | 53 |
14.514 | Pepe | ArsBellum | 107 | es | 49 |
14.515 | AdolforHitlerus | - | 83 | pl | 62 |
14.516 | Titus | - | 61 | en | 301 |
14.517 | Armene | - | 57 | en | 301 |
14.518 | SynZrodla | Cech_Wilkow | 11 | en | 47 |
14.519 | Disram | Ahjin | 92 | fr | 50 |
14.520 | A.C.A.B.1907 | KEMIKTAYFA | 83 | tr | 59 |
14.521 | LoveMonster | Forum_Gladiatora_2 | 84 | en | 301 |
14.522 | qShelby | ASGARD | 63 | ro | 49 |
14.523 | Lechita | Soplica_Truskawkowa | 122 | pl | 61 |
14.524 | Amix | The_Shadow_Garden | 74 | en | 71 |
14.525 | Elinor | Senatus.Populusque.Romanus | 93 | bg | 33 |
14.526 | AurigaBradua | REVOLUCION_DE_ESPARTA | 46 | es | 55 |
14.527 | Sunyesssz | HeroesInvictus | 95 | hu | 48 |
14.528 | ConsulCerialus | No_Mercy | 93 | en | 302 |
14.529 | Wupas | Valhalla | 85 | en | 72 |
14.530 | CALACA | - | 6 | en | 55 |
14.531 | #Unknown | - | n/a | tr | 59 |
14.532 | Strugurela | Open-Universe | 20 | en | 50 |
14.533 | Barbar | *-_Atreides_-* | 93 | cz | 56 |
14.534 | Lord_Noxx | Cirkus | 65 | cz | 56 |
14.535 | Kabii99 | Rebels_of_Inferno | 81 | en | 64 |
14.536 | OVERLORD | HorionBosona | 85 | tr | 59 |
14.537 | Jack00 | - | 43 | tr | 59 |
14.538 | Dawesonn | Bellum_Gladiatorium | 73 | cz | 50 |
14.539 | reapz | Szupercsapat | 116 | en | 60 |
14.540 | Carpophorus | BRATIA | 75 | sk | 41 |
14.541 | Addsson | Haven | 84 | en | 51 |
14.542 | [--Klapu--] | TheOriginals | 109 | en | 59 |
14.543 | KillerPwned | K-TEAM | 33 | en | 72 |
14.544 | mohaaaannad | - | 83 | en | 72 |
14.545 | Bounty | ARES | 106 | sk | 41 |
14.546 | DANY. | BrutalsFriendsForever | 86 | pl | 62 |
14.547 | #Unknown | - | n/a | en | 49 |
14.548 | Vyacheslav | Red_Zvezda | 126 | en | 62 |
14.549 | Consulio | - | 24 | en | 301 |
14.550 | Fredy | - | 34 | en | 50 |
14.551 | rajdl1 | - | 15 | cz | 54 |
14.552 | Miked30 | TUGAS | 30 | pt | 30 |
14.553 | Onix_13 | - | 91 | en | 51 |
14.554 | wolff1188 | - | 44 | pl | 61 |
14.555 | Usko | Valhalla | 96 | sk | 40 |
14.556 | KetaKarsten | Fitna | 55 | en | 72 |
14.557 | NegroCarp | | 89 | ar | 44 |
14.558 | SenatorManius | - | 41 | en | 70 |
14.559 | Kockis | Mordor | 91 | cz | 56 |
14.560 | lunky | TheGreatWarriors | 84 | en | 71 |
14.561 | Volfgangas | TheGreatWarriors2 | 93 | en | 72 |
14.562 | D4ngar | Kings | 51 | en | 51 |
14.563 | Kreatin | +VikingHungary+ | 84 | en | 59 |
14.564 | GalaGala | - | 46 | tw | 22 |
14.565 | Ragnace | - | 86 | ar | 44 |
14.566 | Ynmiz | WizardTeam | 87 | pl | 61 |
14.567 | Vikingen | Top_Tier_Legends | 93 | pl | 63 |
14.568 | Grazl | - | 43 | cz | 55 |
14.569 | Rasgador | ONE_PIECE | 82 | br | 56 |
14.570 | Cojci | TheSurvivors-original | 88 | en | 63 |
14.571 | tudatlan | -=FALKA=- | 172 | en | 63 |
14.572 | PeaceFaker | Kings | 119 | en | 51 |
14.573 | gon | Force-Et-Honneur | 81 | fr | 48 |
14.574 | Chaos | HorionBosona | 119 | tr | 59 |
14.575 | HH_Messi_HH | Trojan-Hungarian-Empire | 244 | en | 59 |
14.576 | Georgin | - | 90 | en | 72 |
14.577 | Hrabosh | - | 84 | cz | 56 |
14.578 | Freaky | TheGreatWarriors2 | 86 | en | 72 |
14.579 | Vicious | Otuken | 108 | tr | 58 |
14.580 | Fhenser | Cinco_Reinos_l | 97 | en | 65 |
14.581 | Pan_Lusterko | ..GLADIATORS.. | 106 | en | 55 |
14.582 | Cheatsy | - | 83 | de | 49 |
14.583 | Mystina | Secret-Special-Force | 90 | tw | 22 |
14.584 | Gringo | BrutalsFriendsForever | 67 | pl | 62 |
14.585 | RagnarKing | TEMERIA | 87 | pl | 61 |
14.586 | OptioNevitta | *ChlopakiDoWziecia* | 86 | pl | 62 |
14.587 | Romano | ONE_PIECE | 92 | br | 56 |
14.588 | QueL | ARES | 87 | sk | 41 |
14.589 | Ozkiyici | TURAN | 25 | tr | 59 |
14.590 | DanDaDan | SUPRANATURAL | 96 | ro | 48 |
14.591 | #Unknown | - | n/a | en | 59 |
14.592 | Akikopapaci | Eskiler | 113 | tr | 59 |
14.593 | NoNaMe | HuNgLaDs | 25 | hu | 49 |
14.594 | Mortadela | REYES_DE_MARFIL | 77 | mx | 33 |
14.595 | Putzkolonne | Putzekkippe | 128 | de | 48 |
14.596 | PilusArbitio | | 84 | ar | 44 |
14.597 | JetBlackHeart | Sake | 106 | en | 48 |
14.598 | solosefu | - | 10 | en | 72 |
14.599 | Nicolaya | ONE_PIECE | 42 | br | 56 |
14.600 | Maxter | SK-CZ-Komunita | 31 | en | 301 |