This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.357 players.
The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
14.201 | cmv | guigui | 12 | en | 66 |
14.202 | UdriSirene | Claudius | 41 | bg | 30 |
14.203 | _ForgiveMe_ | - | 26 | en | 72 |
14.204 | mauer | NEPOBEDIMITE | 93 | bg | 32 |
14.205 | WIPE | | 90 | ar | 44 |
14.206 | Darth_Pano | Putzekkippe | 85 | de | 48 |
14.207 | MOST | - | 83 | tr | 59 |
14.208 | DarkSide | OnePiece | 89 | tr | 58 |
14.209 | PaterAnicius | - | 10 | en | 301 |
14.210 | Klaus | Eskiler | 127 | tr | 59 |
14.211 | Faustus | - | 15 | pl | 62 |
14.212 | Assassin98CZ | FraternalBlood | 27 | en | 64 |
14.213 | Superman | ORBITA_ARENA | 86 | br | 54 |
14.214 | AurigaHerodes | - | 16 | en | 58 |
14.215 | OderHano | Out_of_Control | 78 | hu | 48 |
14.216 | LictorAttius | BrutalsFriendsForever | 92 | pl | 62 |
14.217 | God0fWar | LUDUS_MAGNUS... | 115 | en | 59 |
14.218 | Only | The_Legend_Of_Coliseum | 68 | fr | 52 |
14.219 | KamizZa | HunNemzet | 96 | hu | 49 |
14.220 | Shahrooz | Forum_Gladiatora | 33 | en | 69 |
14.221 | #Unknown | - | n/a | en | 301 |
14.222 | algamil.1 | HEAD_HUNTERS | 104 | en | 51 |
14.223 | ElPolloDiablo | - | 88 | ar | 44 |
14.224 | Sorrow | ..GLADIATORS.. | 110 | en | 55 |
14.225 | KlausTigar | RomanoBachtaleTigar | 44 | en | 59 |
14.226 | [BNG]Bingus | BUNGUS | 87 | cz | 56 |
14.227 | Provocator | - | 39 | en | 301 |
14.228 | UggiUP | - | 14 | cz | 55 |
14.229 | friggfunyy | - | 19 | tr | 58 |
14.230 | Shrui | DarkBrotherHood | 49 | us | 36 |
14.231 | Faktorium | Macedonians | 99 | en | 59 |
14.232 | NOHELL | zalimbaba | 41 | en | 59 |
14.233 | Ciki | The_Academy | 43 | en | 72 |
14.234 | jpp671163 | Force-Honneur-Respect-11 | 54 | en | 63 |
14.235 | GenJebiewdenko | .Spartans.Academy | 16 | en | 301 |
14.236 | RaichuPOLSKA | - | 10 | pl | 60 |
14.237 | Carajo | - | 19 | en | 72 |
14.238 | FaTaLiTy | - | 82 | en | 51 |
14.239 | Aghori | Eskiler | 90 | tr | 59 |
14.240 | Guerrero | HeroesInvictus | 99 | hu | 48 |
14.241 | Tracker | Senatus.Populusque.Romanus | 111 | bg | 33 |
14.242 | Slave | - | 105 | en | 71 |
14.243 | Pufu | - | 92 | ro | 48 |
14.244 | SaLaDyN | - | 97 | pl | 62 |
14.245 | Dionysos | KAOS | 99 | tr | 55 |
14.246 | Werox | Renacimiento | 115 | en | 59 |
14.247 | Tiganus | - | n/a | en | 301 |
14.248 | Maccius | - | 11 | cz | 55 |
14.249 | Maksa | DeeOsvetnici | 121 | en | 61 |
14.250 | BigVChief | Valhalla | 63 | en | 72 |
14.251 | METEHAN | HorionBosona | 85 | tr | 59 |
14.252 | FappusMaximus | Buclate_Boubelky | 24 | cz | 56 |
14.253 | Matt | Internal | 64 | hu | 45 |
14.254 | PowerGG | - | 57 | tw | 22 |
14.255 | DooMWalkeR | Forum_Gladiatora_2 | 83 | en | 301 |
14.256 | hamada7op | Last_Exit | 111 | ae | 35 |
14.257 | Ivenius | Black_Team | 92 | pl | 62 |
14.258 | ZaaBaa | - | 87 | pl | 62 |
14.259 | Bbarros | | 20 | br | 54 |
14.260 | CALACA | - | 18 | en | 301 |
14.261 | TribunePlinta | - | 33 | en | 301 |
14.262 | A$AP | `Dark_Forest` | 118 | en | 51 |
14.263 | $..Monsun..$ | SenatusPopulusQueRomanus | 94 | pl | 62 |
14.264 | justmike1967nl5 | Legioen_der_Lage_Landen | 154 | en | 62 |
14.265 | Vhartek | PRABA | 83 | en | 71 |
14.266 | DiscensPlinta | ExtremeGladiators | 67 | pt | 29 |
14.267 | BurnTheKill | GLOBAL | 18 | en | 72 |
14.268 | Vucran | Force-Et-Honneur | 98 | fr | 48 |
14.269 | lucie | [FRANCS] | 87 | fr | 48 |
14.270 | Obito | EchoesOfHades-Academy | 51 | en | 72 |
14.271 | [G]Poney | GLOBAL | 129 | en | 71 |
14.272 | TheDeath | CEZALANDIRICI | 110 | en | 58 |
14.273 | Liili | Cybernetic | 87 | en | 49 |
14.274 | -POLAK70- | WariatyPOLSKIE | 94 | pl | 62 |
14.275 | Lolhemer | Sith_Lords | 90 | cz | 54 |
14.276 | #Unknown | - | n/a | us | 37 |
14.277 | TANGRA | Orden_of_Enlightenment | 90 | bg | 29 |
14.278 | koprulu | KARARGAH | 91 | tr | 57 |
14.279 | BigBagutee | La-Mort-Infernale | 87 | fr | 52 |
14.280 | Antinious | - | 80 | en | 61 |
14.281 | Dadd | - | 9 | en | 71 |
14.282 | KarlitaBella | - | 12 | es | 55 |
14.283 | LaH0nda | - | 16 | us | 37 |
14.284 | DareDevil | HeroesInvictus | 112 | hu | 48 |
14.285 | Dazor | - | 41 | br | 54 |
14.286 | Huskyto | Constellatio | 86 | en | 55 |
14.287 | Irethea | Az_Olumposz_Magyarjai | 86 | en | 63 |
14.288 | LictorZeno | KEMIKTAYFA | 96 | tr | 59 |
14.289 | fue | Forum_Gladiatora_2 | 92 | en | 301 |
14.290 | AugustaDomitius | - | 9 | it | 46 |
14.291 | Slayer13 | - | 14 | en | 71 |
14.292 | Szefo_DBL | POLSKA-GUROM | 32 | en | 303 |
14.293 | yanakiev2024 | IMMORTALS | 94 | bg | 32 |
14.294 | GolfxRay | VIKINGS | 30 | gr | 19 |
14.295 | Kerasus28 | - | 37 | tr | 58 |
14.296 | MedicusManius | *ChlopakiDoWziecia* | 91 | pl | 62 |
14.297 | Budg3t | SP4RTA | 60 | en | 71 |
14.298 | Green | EchoesOfHades | 111 | en | 72 |
14.299 | MrKubec | ARES | 59 | sk | 41 |
14.300 | Torcher | GermanGuild | 72 | en | 301 |