This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.357 players.
The king of the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for 1 hour
Second in the arena is Cumulonimbus of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 2 hours
Third in the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 1 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
14.401 | BossTickKing | GreatWar | 92 | cz | 54 |
14.402 | hkdps | Romania | 82 | ro | 48 |
14.403 | Saados | Honor_et_Gloria | 89 | en | 301 |
14.404 | ricou | Les_Aigles_de_Rome | 90 | en | 63 |
14.405 | Gomez | Nemesis | 88 | hu | 44 |
14.406 | Profesor_R | - | 34 | pl | 62 |
14.407 | FlaviusResurge | Reapers | 113 | en | 303 |
14.408 | Andrew | Shadow_Sky | 69 | es | 55 |
14.409 | #Unknown | - | n/a | en | 301 |
14.410 | Assur | Hungarian_National_Association | 46 | hu | 44 |
14.411 | Rizers | ArsColossei | 84 | de | 49 |
14.412 | Megane3Rs | - | 21 | tr | 59 |
14.413 | DERINGECE | AYYILDIZ | 82 | tr | 58 |
14.414 | PrimusSeleucus | Cross_Guild | 81 | br | 56 |
14.415 | Glorious | - | n/a | pl | 61 |
14.416 | Marian | - | 32 | pl | 62 |
14.417 | Tinky_Winky | Pinguinos_Asesinos | 108 | es | 55 |
14.418 | Necromanly | Elite_Gladiators | 101 | tr | 59 |
14.419 | MasterPudens | Gloria_Invictis | 85 | pl | 59 |
14.420 | Loveloock | - | 15 | en | 71 |
14.421 | W4RN1NG | - | 21 | it | 46 |
14.422 | JackSparrow | - | 38 | cz | 55 |
14.423 | Goldenhit7 | Eskiler | 112 | tr | 59 |
14.424 | Sewer_Rat | Dark_Empire | 86 | en | 71 |
14.425 | OptioAgapitus | - | 22 | tr | 58 |
14.426 | AbO__YoUsEf | Al_No5Ba | 148 | en | 51 |
14.427 | MSG | Otuken | 117 | tr | 58 |
14.428 | EmperorIulianus | - | 15 | cz | 54 |
14.429 | timeo | - | 31 | fr | 50 |
14.430 | Maximus | - | 14 | us | 36 |
14.431 | Reis1 | Elite_Gladiators | 61 | tr | 59 |
14.432 | Bearinks | TEMERIA | 85 | pl | 61 |
14.433 | MIKI.DOMINA | _PHOENIX_ | 103 | en | 62 |
14.434 | Chillinchef | DarkBrotherHood | 64 | us | 36 |
14.435 | RingoCazador | Shadow_Sky | 83 | es | 55 |
14.436 | caveira | HEAD_HUNTERS | 145 | en | 51 |
14.437 | Mprick | RAIJR | 93 | ro | 48 |
14.438 | EmperorCapito | Secret-Special-Force | 90 | tw | 22 |
14.439 | ImperatorXeo | KrajowyRejestrDlugow | 96 | pl | 61 |
14.440 | xDexiST | SK-CZ-Komunita | 87 | en | 301 |
14.441 | RaZoR | SenatusPopulusqueRomanus | 84 | bg | 33 |
14.442 | Totoy | GLAD | 106 | tw | 20 |
14.443 | Doublesunday | ArsColossei | 85 | de | 49 |
14.444 | Zdenda | - | 14 | cz | 55 |
14.445 | Sk@ldy | - | 6 | cz | 55 |
14.446 | AncientDominus | Constellatio | 92 | en | 55 |
14.447 | HeMe3aHuMaBauTe | @P0H | 84 | tr | 59 |
14.448 | Verus | Game-Test | 10 | en | 59 |
14.449 | HidalGoo | - | 42 | tr | 58 |
14.450 | Spender | - | 21 | br | 54 |
14.451 | Psuco | Dominus | 62 | en | 59 |
14.452 | Andy | Secret-Special-Force | 85 | tw | 22 |
14.453 | Carbo | - | 24 | br | 54 |
14.454 | HunterWicky | - | 89 | en | 51 |
14.455 | Adriansok | .Spartans.Academy | 26 | en | 301 |
14.456 | ElendaTR | - | 100 | en | 72 |
14.457 | KingQuinn | Valhalla | 96 | en | 72 |
14.458 | schawn95 | Elite-Squad | 35 | es | 55 |
14.459 | Zebani | Elite_Gladiators | 83 | tr | 59 |
14.460 | dan65 | --ABSOLUT-- | 138 | en | 62 |
14.461 | PraetorOtho | - | 15 | en | 301 |
14.462 | Zabobola | DD | 86 | en | 301 |
14.463 | NemoSK | ASL | 44 | bg | 34 |
14.464 | 4pac | WariatyPOLSKIE | 55 | pl | 62 |
14.465 | PrimusMonaxius | Honor_et_Gloria | 14 | en | 301 |
14.466 | Marynarz | *Braterstwo_Miecza* | 94 | en | 47 |
14.467 | Samy | - | 13 | br | 54 |
14.468 | Ozymandias | DOMINATORS | 93 | en | 51 |
14.469 | Optio | OPTIO | 11 | fr | 48 |
14.470 | Killcreed | OrtaDunya | 82 | en | 61 |
14.471 | PrimusNonianus | BrutalsFriendsForever | 76 | pl | 62 |
14.472 | Novy | KrajowyRejestrDlugow | 108 | pl | 61 |
14.473 | Kengi | - | 90 | ar | 44 |
14.474 | hristoff | - | 51 | bg | 32 |
14.475 | bimbo | - | 21 | en | 301 |
14.476 | 241024 | -RomE- | 97 | en | 71 |
14.477 | Sevinator | ARES | 92 | sk | 41 |
14.478 | Babler | - | 15 | pl | 62 |
14.479 | Jose | - | n/a | en | 72 |
14.480 | Cristiano | Dog_Soldiers | 93 | sk | 41 |
14.481 | Trevas | KChaRonT | 12 | br | 56 |
14.482 | ...Dagur... | KASTOR | 111 | en | 47 |
14.483 | AKRAP | -RomE- | 135 | en | 71 |
14.484 | Ginger | Paradise | 51 | pl | 61 |
14.485 | zou55 | LUDUS_LATINUS | 121 | en | 65 |
14.486 | GuessWhosBack | - | 32 | fr | 48 |
14.487 | NieTenTeges | Ghosts | 93 | pl | 61 |
14.488 | dfhgtrdh | Humanity_United | 87 | en | 63 |
14.489 | LadySlyvanas | Secret-Special-Force | 63 | tw | 22 |
14.490 | N0AH | [LEGENDS] | 89 | en | 51 |
14.491 | Rud4s | LegieNeohrozenychCZSK | 82 | en | 301 |
14.492 | Lorthos | The_Shadow_Garden_II | 42 | en | 71 |
14.493 | Rapai | - | 83 | es | 55 |
14.494 | PilusPalma | - | 38 | pl | 62 |
14.495 | Terapist | Eskiler | 95 | tr | 59 |
14.496 | Row | - | 40 | tr | 59 |
14.497 | SenatorDicorus | Farida | 20 | sk | 38 |
14.498 | SenturiaAgira | - | 21 | en | 47 |
14.499 | Sp3eDy | FRiendship_ROad | 96 | en | 59 |
14.500 | PrefectRegulus | TURAN | 82 | tr | 59 |