This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.096 players.
The king of the arena is [L.IX.H]Ange of the Les_Guerriers_Du_Sphinx undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is ***STONE*** of the ScourgeOfGod undefeated for 3 hours
Third in the arena is _-*ALPERENiM*-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for 2 hour
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
14.601 | Szoszon | *ChlopakiDoWziecia* | 84 | pl | 62 |
14.602 | PikaczuniuPL | - | 8 | pl | 59 |
14.603 | diplomat681 | TANGRA | 125 | en | 65 |
14.604 | HarmonyDxn | Septima_Legion | 25 | en | 301 |
14.605 | Bo4-MorT | ONE_PIECE | 73 | br | 56 |
14.606 | Barakum | .Spartans.Academy | 91 | en | 301 |
14.607 | rivash | - | 43 | en | 72 |
14.608 | Des[t]iny | Black_Team | 40 | pl | 62 |
14.609 | [-BB-]Fifasek | Buclate_Boubelky | 53 | cz | 56 |
14.610 | Prikezsia | HeroesInvictus | 81 | hu | 48 |
14.611 | Rufus | - | 7 | hu | 49 |
14.612 | Sarenth | TheGreatWarriors | 89 | en | 72 |
14.613 | OscarCebola | crocroca | 44 | br | 54 |
14.614 | Bengay | KEMIKTAYFA | 91 | tr | 59 |
14.615 | lordofblade | 7ARAFESH_ARAB | 93 | en | 65 |
14.616 | Dilon | *Chaos_Crew* | 59 | hu | 49 |
14.617 | Assis | Dark_Empire | 79 | en | 71 |
14.618 | GOKUSH | ArsBellum | 101 | es | 49 |
14.619 | banp | TheGreatWarriors2 | 85 | en | 72 |
14.620 | R123123 | - | 83 | en | 51 |
14.621 | Khaoz.Jager | | 96 | ar | 44 |
14.622 | GerardHolden | TURAN | 81 | tr | 59 |
14.623 | [ZG]Ladin | ZlatiGladiatori | 93 | cz | 55 |
14.624 | RexardII | _ASGARD_ | 26 | en | 59 |
14.625 | Endrewko | Volnomyslienkari | 124 | en | 58 |
14.626 | Maior | - | 10 | br | 55 |
14.627 | Speed | HunokSerege | 25 | hu | 50 |
14.628 | Peterespussyes | Millionero | 90 | cz | 55 |
14.629 | DominusManius | Secret-Special-Force | 91 | tw | 22 |
14.630 | AedileNonius | DarkSide | 37 | tr | 59 |
14.631 | FrittenFritz | High2Heaven | 97 | en | 59 |
14.632 | Retired | - | 89 | de | 49 |
14.633 | Meela | Curse_of_Angels | 87 | en | 64 |
14.634 | ma4oka | Senatus.Populusque.Romanus | 93 | bg | 33 |
14.635 | Mestre | BONDE_DOS_VERMELHINHOS | 93 | br | 55 |
14.636 | Painkiller;) | SpartaElitjei | 116 | en | 59 |
14.637 | Namacut | - | 32 | de | 49 |
14.638 | Kubaandrzej | Assasins | 23 | pl | 62 |
14.639 | -NANDIN- | MANTEM | 20 | br | 55 |
14.640 | MavcoPisellonio | LatteDelleMucche | 86 | it | 47 |
14.641 | Bedy | - | 21 | en | 50 |
14.642 | CobraS | - | 90 | tr | 59 |
14.643 | jyrais | TRAKYA | 81 | en | 72 |
14.644 | PeterGriffin | -=Der-Magistrat=- | 93 | de | 49 |
14.645 | NoobBarber | PRABA | 99 | en | 71 |
14.646 | Delaz | - | 12 | br | 54 |
14.647 | Gillette | - | 37 | tr | 59 |
14.648 | Mozmen | ARES | 102 | sk | 41 |
14.649 | Omen | PHOENIX | 94 | ro | 47 |
14.650 | Kory | Mordor | 40 | cz | 56 |
14.651 | Guldy | BlackBulls | 84 | cz | 54 |
14.652 | AurigaVirius | Elite_Gladiators | 24 | tr | 59 |
14.653 | LPOverTG | - | 29 | en | 72 |
14.654 | KreatywnyKamil | profit | 87 | pl | 59 |
14.655 | PeaceFaker | Kings | 117 | en | 51 |
14.656 | Alicetin68 | TURAN | 86 | tr | 59 |
14.657 | Pedala | Ancients | 86 | ro | 48 |
14.658 | =4Fun= | Akademia_Sake | 96 | en | 48 |
14.659 | Getzu | Internacional | 70 | us | 37 |
14.660 | MIKI | TheGreatWarriors-Academy | 19 | en | 72 |
14.661 | M420-Silver | Latin-Warriors | 13 | es | 55 |
14.662 | malyhavok | ETERNALS | 86 | en | 55 |
14.663 | [FHR]jpp8967 | Force-Honneur-Respect | 53 | en | 60 |
14.664 | percinler | CESUR | 146 | en | 58 |
14.665 | prafao | AncientLegion | 97 | en | 72 |
14.666 | PanLucyfer | - | 7 | en | 57 |
14.667 | KOMATSU | Dr4matic | 93 | ar | 44 |
14.668 | Gregoro | ZODIAK | 87 | en | 47 |
14.669 | MataHermano | - | 22 | ar | 44 |
14.670 | Cuauhtemoc | Dioses_del_Inframundo | 109 | en | 65 |
14.671 | ColdPaw | - | n/a | en | 72 |
14.672 | Faja | Mordor | 61 | cz | 56 |
14.673 | Noxirio | Dog_Soldiers | 88 | sk | 41 |
14.674 | Dreadhum | TEST | 12 | en | 71 |
14.675 | Meloncholy | Les_Aigles_de_Rome | 35 | en | 63 |
14.676 | DiscensMaximian | - | n/a | tr | 56 |
14.677 | Bambii | xD | 95 | en | 55 |
14.678 | Dracarys | Polski | 14 | en | 303 |
14.679 | thecoach | ODMETNICI | 108 | en | 71 |
14.680 | ConsulThrax | - | 20 | en | 72 |
14.681 | MTHLOVER | Dr4matic | 96 | ar | 44 |
14.682 | Commodus | Buclate_Boubelky | 87 | cz | 56 |
14.683 | [STF]-Hornet | Ditadura | 117 | br | 54 |
14.684 | Enyalios | BrutalsFriendsForever | 88 | pl | 62 |
14.685 | HH_Heszee | Hungarian-Heroes | n/a | en | 59 |
14.686 | Cart_Curt | - | 20 | tr | 59 |
14.687 | Ujazdos | Najemnicy | 15 | pl | 62 |
14.688 | Diomedes | Akademia_Sake | 83 | en | 48 |
14.689 | Sagittarius_A | Schwarzes_Loch | 59 | de | 46 |
14.690 | Speed | Hunok | 128 | hu | 43 |
14.691 | LuisE | Renacimiento | 143 | en | 59 |
14.692 | aaaaaaaaaa | - | n/a | tr | 58 |
14.693 | TaDetMeRo | CircusWay | 92 | br | 52 |
14.694 | HH_Zare_HH | Hungarian-Heroes | 149 | en | 59 |
14.695 | LucyQuinzel | Valhalla-A | 88 | en | 72 |
14.696 | Towns | -BALTIJOS-LEGIONAS- | 86 | en | 63 |
14.697 | Telperion | MEYHANE | 87 | tr | 59 |
14.698 | Daemon | | 91 | ar | 44 |
14.699 | Sleeping*Shadow | Bund-der-Schatten | 189 | en | 50 |
14.700 | OptimusPrimus | - | 12 | en | 72 |