Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 13.144 players.

The king of the arena is _-^ALPERENiM^-_ of the KingsLanding undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is [L.6.S]Archange of the La.Sixieme.Legion.Du.Sang. undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is Mr.JACK! of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for less than 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
12.701 JhonnyDick - 6 es 51
12.702 Cerenium - 10 us 34
12.703 Helden.D.Senpai +RazaMexicana+ 27 en 301
12.704 SoLoAiDo SoLoAiD 106 en 47
12.705 Arya Dontbemad 25 fr 50
12.706 AllFakary (CZ)Garda-Phoenix 128 en 55
12.707 BigusDickus CrimsonCollarGuild 9 sk 40
12.708 se7en Healars 20 en 55
12.709 Moulyn - 28 en 50
12.710 Joarle - 98 en 49
12.711 Cruel Heartless 42 br 50
12.712 Wouxei - 44 cz 54
12.713 Azola - 10 en 70
12.714 Shifty CrimsonCollarGuild 90 sk 40
12.715 XNGUSD BractwoSokuMocy 84 pl 61
12.716 Cezis Just-do-it 25 lt 19
12.717 Aianu LegionZ 111 en 59
12.718 MasterMacrinus Luvovete 55 bg 32
12.719 GoldenKnight1 YoucefAhmed 8 en 301
12.720 DreadDummy HereWeGoAgain 108 sk 35
12.721 Neotic - 6 en 301
12.722 DOGDESTROY MvP 93 tr 58
12.723 Theuchos Valhalla 88 sk 40
12.724 Jine LEGION_NOVA_INVICTAS4 87 en 65
12.725 #Unknown - n/a en 65
12.726 ENKi - 22 tr 53
12.727 Brad_Bellick FoxRiver 8 tr 58
12.728 Leoka - 6 fr 50
12.729 Rehy CeskoSlovensko 22 cz 52
12.730 Kyrion Taiwan_Deep_Sea 103 en 61
12.731 Lethar ImperiumSolis 39 en 70
12.732 Pi3Tr0 Wild_Hunters 87 pl 60
12.733 MAXIMUS Testosterone 54 sk 39
12.734 byakkomaru Keep_Yourself_Safe 31 sk 38
12.735 CaesarUmbrius - 55 tr 58
12.736 TINNITUS VikingHungary 49 hu 48
12.737 PrimusTuscus - 11 tr 57
12.738 SenatorVinicius Luvovete 40 bg 31
12.739 EnderErbakan SuvaRi 88 tr 57
12.740 Rey_mess Crusaders.. 141 en 51
12.741 Misos_sensei French_Assassins 34 en 71
12.742 CensorHonorius - n/a en 48
12.743 .... Sweet_Dreams 81 cz 55
12.745 cosmoz LUDUS.MAGNUS.1 18 en 51
12.746 PriorIllus LatvianGang n/a lv 15
12.747 GELE-71 -RomE- 73 en 71
12.748 DeagleDavid Vikings 88 se 15
12.749 RODANS Spitalul9 101 ro 46
12.750 Varaholyn Gladio 82 tr 57
12.751 Hagy1 Archa_Zatracenych 39 en 64
12.752 Trilto312 CHAOS 43 sk 39
12.753 Pheerenike ZlatiGladiatori 86 cz 55
12.754 Sajko Sith_Lords 87 cz 54
12.755 NEXUS Jezdci_Apokalypsy 14 cz 54
12.756 mako Constellatio 80 en 55
12.757 GeneralRammus Bonde-dos-Verdinhos 42 br 55
12.758 AncientGeta - 23 en 71
12.759 MedicusGordian - 11 en 71
12.760 mamaco 4MOLA 21 br 54
12.761 Gladmaster - 10 sk 40
12.762 JCGelvez - 32 mx 33
12.763 FastFoxHun VikingHungary 88 hu 48
12.764 PrefectMan SPARTH 30 en 63
12.765 Engineerion Jezdci_Apokalypsy 20 cz 54
12.766 Virus_z99 - 40 en 59
12.767 Svinka HereWeGoLite 87 sk 36
12.768 Mightyknight Northern_Legion 109 en 63
12.769 Maki7 -=VZO=- 32 ba 23
12.770 Texxus CrimsonCollarGuild 45 sk 40
12.771 smaugexe Ahjin 88 fr 50
12.772 iddqdad Habibi 23 es 50
12.773 Kiniwe Castle 20 pl 61
12.774 Kuman - 106 pl 60
12.775 SubaDuba - 7 ro 46
12.776 VicariiPudens 4FuN 34 pl 61
12.777 Axos MvP 86 tr 58
12.778 PrefectVictor Slaavovi-chudaci 94 cz 54
12.779 Milteno Troja 49 cz 54
12.780 Dorih AboveTheLaw 26 pl 60
12.781 COUGAR BULGARIA 19 bg 31
12.782 Stratejist* Eru 76 tr 58
12.783 24hakan24 1234569 52 en 58
12.784 SenatorBirky CHAOS 30 sk 39
12.785 Kingmans Infinity_ 113 en 50
12.786 Majordomo ArmyOfDarkness 46 en 71
12.787 papyruss YYY 6 tr 55
12.788 _BRUXINHO_ Sicilianos 113 en 49
12.789 Mauglinko Inheritance 19 sk 38
12.790 #Unknown - n/a en 61
12.791 Nathe ZlatiGladiatori 18 cz 55
12.792 aaron HowHigh 30 es 53
12.793 Jeremiasz WaechterDesTartarus 17 de 43
12.795 Zottya VikingHungary 93 hu 48
12.796 IngenuiAlbinus PRABA 82 en 71
12.797 PontiffCarinus Ghosts 68 pl 61
12.798 SAvitAr NeverBackDown 29 ro 43
12.799 Gvydeliz Black_Gl4diators 93 en 63
12.800 aVeer - 24 en 301