Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 13.979 players.

The king of the arena is [L.IX.H]Ange of the Les_Guerriers_Du_Sphinx undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is Gregorius.. of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is Viento_Frio of the Very_Ignorant_People undefeated for less than 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
12.501 Next ORBITA_ARENA 113 br 54
12.502 D*M*A*R heaven1 137 en 51
12.503 IngenuiDives Black_Dragon 22 en 70
12.504 xenc - 101 tr 57
12.505 Ron_Damon! Furia_Espartana 84 en 65
12.506 Ahilesius Baghatur 78 en 49
12.507 Aquarius Bulgaria 97 en 50
12.508 Propphet VETERANUS 98 br 54
12.509 Kysli Keep_Yourself_Safe 60 sk 38
12.510 H1N1 Elite_Mundial 113 en 65
12.511 Wonder_Girl - 11 en 301
12.512 MaximusIcho KARARGAH 109 tr 57
12.513 Joushew - 86 en 302
12.514 Thenut The_Family#1658921389-1 86 en 51
12.515 Catius 91 br 53
12.516 Fjoldx Bellum_Gladiatorium 95 cz 50
12.517 Doperus - 31 en 69
12.518 Khadrius - 20 en 301
12.519 BarryGibb ORBITA_ARENA 92 br 54
12.520 chris555 LND 83 gr 21
12.521 NOal Synovia^Slnka 102 sk 39
12.522 SEQUOIA - 90 bg 31
12.523 Ujko D.C.Boss 42 cz 54
12.524 j0edor Los_Sicarios_Depravados_Wpys 93 en 65
12.525 MasterOpilio Cantera-Inmaculados 60 ar 40
12.526 Zidash04 - 56 en 70
12.527 !-=BULVOX=-! GAME-SHARK 138 en 301
12.528 TribuneLamius AraPacis 110 pl 60
12.529 #Unknown - n/a cz 55
12.530 RNL - 25 pt 25
12.531 Pallando Volnomyslienkari 100 en 58
12.532 Tuxedo TheHorde 114 cz 52
12.533 gragui New_Destiny 157 en 65
12.534 ROMANRIQUELME La-Providencia 29 es 52
12.535 qraLiatus - 31 tr 57
12.536 Tybur - 59 pl 59
12.537 Dreago Scorpion 26 ae 37
12.538 SibylMacrinus [LEGENDS] 92 en 51
12.539 Tugrul40 ScourgeOfGod 137 en 61
12.540 #Unknown - n/a sk 39
12.541 sDarius Spitalul9 94 ro 46
12.542 #Unknown - n/a br 52
12.543 Karol - 92 pl 60
12.544 Dysuria - 94 tr 57
12.545 Hardkill CHAOS 92 sk 39
12.546 Proximus GreatWar 93 cz 54
12.547 Xibalba ArsBellum 105 es 49
12.548 Lavadordedoll AzureKings 21 en 301
12.549 Chazy47 Legion-of-Death 87 cz 53
12.550 AlunnDrakan Ragnarok 17 sk 39
12.551 Boru AraPacis 93 pl 60
12.552 Auslender91 Valhalla#1668620147-1 107 en 61
12.553 MasterMarcus - 65 pl 60
12.554 PraetorVestinus GBE_UAYTGR 22 ae 37
12.555 coNfuz Spitalul9 41 ro 46
12.556 MrSouLFy - 123 en 301
12.557 Slaava28 Slaavovi-chudaci 94 cz 54
12.558 PraetorAugur - 40 hu 46
12.559 Palmenregen - 86 en 60
12.560 VicariiPalma Luvovete 81 bg 32
12.561 Loba - 87 pl 60
12.562 ComesArdabur6 SAO 86 en 301
12.563 MiFo - 51 sk 38
12.564 BryannTruu 9Legie 20 cz 53
12.565 UNK - 82 br 54
12.566 DiscensFurnius Tawerna 77 en 70
12.567 Disturbed Keep_Yourself_Safe 98 sk 38
12.568 A_r_K_94 KASTOR 113 en 47
12.569 1ncr3 - 94 pl 59
12.570 Trunks COTHAN 56 ar 42
12.571 Kankuro - 71 tr 57
12.572 MamaSus - 18 ee 8
12.573 [GW].... GreatWar 114 cz 54
12.574 Tormund CAVALEIROS_DA_DEVASSA_RJ 80 en 65
12.575 TrakyaliShrek KAZIGI 41 tr 57
12.576 Gabriela - 22 bg 30
12.577 AurigaGallus - 22 en 69
12.578 Giuseppe LANISTI_EREMITI 92 en 63
12.579 RedKitt - 90 en 58
12.580 Gothikangel_17 PREDATORI_DEL_TURMA 105 en 63
12.581 GhostCaptain - 92 en 61
12.582 Chilas CzechWarriors 65 en 301
12.583 gonmedgar ZonaDeRiesgo 21 es 52
12.584 *Miraculus* -=VZO=- 101 ba 23
12.585 Eternus. Crimson_Fate 91 en 51
12.586 Caecar LudusMagnus 52 no 15
12.587 Sathona Forum_Gladiatora 115 en 301
12.588 Gatita [LEGENDS] 91 en 51
12.589 Archimedes Luvovete 108 bg 32
12.590 AncientVibius - 42 pl 60
12.591 Nathe - 35 en 301
12.592 PontiffMartius2 GAME-SHARK_II 61 en 301
12.593 Kiarronis - 22 en 301
12.594 CaesarNummius IWolf-PackI 130 sk 36
12.595 Quase_Nada Blood_Brothers 102 br 54
12.596 VenomViirus GAME-SHARK 109 en 301
12.597 Can_U_lmagine? Constellatio 106 en 55
12.598 FuRiCo SE 100 en 65
12.599 greedisgreat Dark_Empire 63 en 69
12.600 LegatusVirius - 34 en 70