Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 13.144 players.

The king of the arena is dinels of the TANGRA undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is macaille of the La.Sixieme.Legion.Du.Sang. undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is Mr.JACK! of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for less than 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
8.801 *P3DR1T4* THE-PUNISHER 82 br 51
8.802 Malevolent Akademia_Sake 91 en 48
8.803 VilicusCapito - 69 en 301
8.804 ElLovoAlfa Gladiadores 11 ar 39
8.805 Fofosefu - 89 ro 42
8.806 DominusArmatus5 LuderKat 41 en 66
8.807 MDMA illusionen 23 en 66
8.808 Abelix - 97 es 50
8.809 Ani Cesko-Slovensko 88 en 66
8.810 EasyAwesome Top 97 pl 56
8.811 Macetinho - 15 en 66
8.812 Nisman - 32 en 301
8.813 IcedCola - 20 en 63
8.814 iDarkJoke Belluaires 99 fr 47
8.815 CurioClemens - 57 sk 36
8.816 Kaladin Polscy_Gladiatorzy 61 en 66
8.817 TrdII - 90 tr 54
8.818 Botonds Cigiszunet 49 en 303
8.819 JuanAlp - 77 tr 53
8.820 weedcoast WEED 11 en 303
8.821 xFuse BOZKURTLAR* 61 tr 54
8.822 Gibbon Bivalyok 111 hu 44
8.823 TINGOMARIA ArsBellum 102 es 49
8.824 Makses - 83 en 66
8.825 Galaktion - 15 fr 46
8.826 ArrowTR VATAN. 95 en 58
8.827 Pukumani - 15 pl 57
8.828 Deum - 121 br 50
8.829 Xandaolegend Mequetrefes 65 br 51
8.830 GoTiA JuJuTSu_Kaisen 113 mx 32
8.831 Lichking - 6 en 66
8.832 infernallady DREAM_ASL_TEAM 155 en 65
8.833 Tomasbdr - 85 en 66
8.834 Makidonu Veni-Vidi-Vici 96 ro 42
8.835 Julius_Cesar - 90 en 301
8.836 Nurtez BRASIL 91 en 67
8.837 Junet Warriors_Empire_Beta 94 en 66
8.838 FENNEC SuVaRi 125 en 61
8.839 Concladus ERRORLOADINGguildname 92 cz 50
8.840 RDK72 _Archa_ 97 en 64
8.841 SenatorAnicius - 6 en 66
8.842 ShekTR Rosered 93 tr 54
8.843 Skorpio THE_UNTOUCHABLES 95 it 41
8.844 AurigaAttius Bivalyok 140 hu 44
8.845 SOL4R1S Cesko-Slovensko 107 en 66
8.846 ClaudeSpeed ViceCity 71 en 66
8.847 SerhaTR OttoManEmpireS 92 tr 53
8.848 BattalGazi KoFiLeR 104 tr 54
8.849 OptioNero CeskoSlovensko 70 en 67
8.850 forgokard Nemesis 115 hu 44
8.851 Torretto - 95 tr 54
8.852 Quantiscire MadeInPoland 101 en 66
8.853 Concientia - 78 tr 53
8.854 Axalandre - 83 en 301
8.855 Baphomet GoldenCompany2 80 tr 54
8.856 Riksu - 50 en 63
8.857 RaMy Reapers 92 en 303
8.858 Orbita - 24 en 302
8.859 Odisseus - 7 en 59
8.860 Tanus - 40 en 66
8.861 yossi - 28 en 303
8.862 WoJaR32 - 91 en 303
8.863 Pepetee - 92 es 50
8.864 Stazona SuVaRi 93 en 61
8.865 *Sinbad* Legio-Ares 25 it 41
8.866 KellasONE - 108 en 59
8.867 Kadir ACADEMY 110 tr 54
8.868 SemendeRR OTG 42 tr 53
8.869 San - 83 es 49
8.870 SaWIRAN Sami_Swoi 88 en 47
8.871 Mordern DarkSky 106 en 66
8.872 MaczuPikczu RealMadrid 93 pl 56
8.873 DrugiOjciecPDW - 56 pl 56
8.874 Maaaximus WySoSe 124 no 12
8.875 BogdanBoner. Galaktyka_Kurwix 109 pl 56
8.876 Criminal. Cz/Sk-Imperium 108 en 66
8.877 Kan31 - 89 tr 54
8.878 Quaresimin - 84 pt 24
8.879 Teteu - 80 br 51
8.880 busiaq Nordic_Legion 111 en 60
8.881 CurioNero - 83 dk 19
8.882 Tetinho AvengerS- 90 en 66
8.883 yukarkill Marvel_Heroes_of_Justice 96 en 65
8.884 Blackening POLONIA 85 en 67
8.885 Scar Legio_Invicta 21 en 66
8.886 Andromeda - 39 pl 56
8.887 JonathanUY VENI_VIDI_VICI 104 es 50
8.888 -=Pacman=- SPARTA 104 de 44
8.889 KOHAH Old_werewolve 104 en 49
8.890 Wizard(s14) - 93 en 62
8.891 tipiko OIO 27 en 51
8.892 KerpeteNAykt - 91 tr 54
8.893 Dante Tugas_Power 112 pt 24
8.894 MrSlothHUN Phoenix_Hungary 84 en 63
8.895 MasterLucius - 22 en 301
8.896 roodboi ZleBakeRodjaci 26 en 66
8.897 DIFRID - 97 es 50
8.898 Lipigash LEG1ON 94 en 66
8.899 AOZ AOZ 108 en 63
8.900 goobawamba - 11 en 66