Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 14.043 players.

The king of the arena is macaille of the La.Sixieme.Legion.Du.Sang. undefeated for less than 1 hour
Second in the arena is THE_Armorachia of the Trojan-Hungarian-Empire undefeated for 3 hours
Third in the arena is [L.IX.H]Ange of the Les_Guerriers_Du_Sphinx undefeated for 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
7.701 Munie - 19 tr 53
7.702 Olaff GALLI 97 en 303
7.703 dadoo - 92 sk 35
7.704 Oddonexus Ottoman 39 tr 53
7.705 xKING - 103 en 66
7.706 saturado The_Shadow_Garden 93 mx 33
7.707 Deadlock Kingdom_of_HEAVEN 84 en 51
7.708 LeonidasIII - 88 pt 24
7.709 TONES KLH 17 en 58
7.710 ElShaCo Ataturkiye 129 tr 53
7.711 Boyarov AboveTheRest 106 bg 28
7.712 ElBondiolita - 9 en 302
7.713 GKDitte - 43 en 55
7.714 Alianz2137 ..GLADIATORS.. 106 en 55
7.715 SirRutelloo - 88 pl 56
7.716 Apeha - 82 lv 11
7.717 OptioSabinus Sweet_Dreams 88 cz 50
7.718 amnicaje - 98 en 51
7.719 EzraBridger Hungarian-Heroes 79 en 66
7.720 BEVOOLF - 82 pl 56
7.721 NooBerc MODRATORS_DO_YOUR_WORK 46 en 303
7.722 PilusDonatus1 - n/a en 301
7.723 Aurora1776 New_Bulgarian_Empire 100 en 66
7.724 voltaz - 85 fr 46
7.725 Drusus Constellatio 137 en 55
7.726 Julius_Gladius The_Danes_of_Olympia 116 en 64
7.727 apkin - 62 en 50
7.728 Skoro Le$niczowka 99 pl 57
7.729 Spartakusak Cesko-Slovensko 85 en 66
7.730 HioBoss TheTurks 97 en 66
7.731 Marofa - 96 br 50
7.732 travieso Global_ImperiuM 140 en 62
7.733 Sustanon *Braterstwo_Miecza* 105 en 47
7.734 Agidius Warriors_Empire 135 en 66
7.735 Poldinecka - 37 en 66
7.736 PenelopeMan - 71 en 51
7.737 IMPOSSIBLE TheTurks 97 en 66
7.738 Wazzupp Advocacy 104 en 63
7.739 krypticas LIETUVA 106 en 66
7.740 SpanikeTheGod ERRORLOADINGguildname 90 cz 50
7.741 Barburzyn LEGION 103 en 66
7.742 Octavia - 98 en 66
7.743 =.Skenderbeg.= - 8 en 301
7.744 Doch - 62 ar 39
7.745 Shony - 11 en 301
7.746 Clash_Juggler - 97 en 66
7.747 panPrase123 - 88 en 66
7.748 Apoleon - 98 en 66
7.749 jokuNiko ATATURKIYE 82 en 67
7.750 Nephasthus - 49 br 50
7.751 DiscensRenzinus INVICTOS 99 ar 39
7.752 Lacostee Upadle_Anioly 82 en 47
7.753 Mazzini - 88 en 51
7.754 AedileSisenna FreakyFamily 86 en 58
7.755 RyujinJakka - 45 en 303
7.756 AurigaPaternus - 16 en 66
7.757 Corvus_Corax Red-Steel 135 en 64
7.758 AnabolicCake - 89 lt 19
7.759 Bushar IMPERIUM 63 es 49
7.760 Chenberlein - 87 en 61
7.761 KillBill[s13] Master_of_Arena 105 en 49
7.762 Krtkus Cz/Sk-Imperium 92 en 66
7.763 Nagybaaa - n/a en 60
7.764 Nojuxs - 88 en 60
7.765 JonnhyPT - 85 en 51
7.766 [-D$-]Jogik ERRORLOADINGguildname 89 cz 50
7.767 MemoNice aQuila_Gaming 112 en 66
7.768 Seqsabes Heartless 116 br 50
7.769 **AhmeD..SaaD** Sparta 93 ae 35
7.770 KaliMoon - 64 en 62
7.771 Lykke Warriors_Empire 138 en 66
7.772 Lakyuz Allmichis 83 us 32
7.773 MitakaMadafaka Bulgaria681 127 en 51
7.774 CaesarOppius Dragons-and-Vampires 88 en 47
7.775 Klica - 88 en 66
7.776 Gracanica - 66 en 66
7.777 Bacore Septima_Legion 129 en 301
7.778 Revi - 87 sk 35
7.779 satana_satana21 UNELTE 29 en 59
7.780 EinaNxGladai - 7 en 63
7.781 EdinDzeko LEGION 100 en 66
7.782 SagisuWhat L-U-N-C-H_M-E-A-T n/a en 49
7.783 Bakky Moravia_Mafia 24 en 59
7.784 Kruzny aQuila_Gaming 113 en 66
7.785 SuchArek550 DEATH_STARS 106 en 66
7.786 .Ragnar. - n/a en 66
7.787 POFFI - 52 br 50
7.788 Theoden - 99 en 303
7.789 Trenbolone - 36 sk 35
7.790 ErektilMaximus Parta_Mokrejch_Slipu 72 cz 51
7.791 DoomBringer - 102 en 66
7.792 RogMar - 93 ee 6
7.793 Tomas Draci 33 en 303
7.794 HsZauronMVP - 14 en 55
7.795 Nadsepru OHANA 44 en 66
7.796 VilicusCrispus - 94 en 66
7.797 P_I_S_T_A_Z_I_E Forum_Gladiatora 161 en 58
7.798 MakaPaka MadeInPoland 103 en 66
7.799 Morrgun - n/a en 301
7.800 mymmy Jussike1 21 en 47