Gladiatus Crazy Addon
A browser extension for the Gladiatus game
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Global Arena

This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.

The Global Arena has 14.056 players.

The king of the arena is Uzknistas of the `Dark_Forest` undefeated for 3 hours
Second in the arena is Gregorius.. of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for less than 1 hour
Third in the arena is pifolin of the DREAM_ASL_TEAM undefeated for less than 1 hour

# Name Guild Level Country Server
1.501 #Unknown - n/a en 301
1.502 0ti Grand_Duchy 94 en 56
1.503 BogdanR --ABSOLUT-- 101 en 62
1.504 #Unknown - n/a en 47
1.505 xKRONOSx - 110 en 55
1.506 Tara Les.Freres.du.Valhalla 105 en 60
1.507 Denastes1 NordicNomads 103 en 61
1.508 PrimusOrfitus Very_Ignorant_People 111 en 59
1.509 uchida LIBERATUS 105 en 60
1.510 RussoAngel DEATH_STARS 100 en 66
1.511 GREGARY Bulgaria681 106 en 51
1.512 Barry VENI_VIDI_VICI 113 es 50
1.513 DaddyModeOFF - 109 en 301
1.514 TumamafatXXI Legend_Sud 111 en 65
1.515 Voimapertti Infinity 103 en 46
1.516 TheCount ..GLADIATORS.. 120 en 55
1.517 RiTz Legends_of_Rome 122 en 49
1.518 Agikson ..GLADIATORS.. 152 en 55
1.519 naczos - 113 pl 59
1.520 zThuRa MeetYourMakers#1668427262-1 128 en 58
1.521 ConejoRL KINGS_OF_SERVERS 102 en 59
1.522 Maerson Blood_Fighters 103 en 62
1.523 !_Roma_Classic! - 92 en 56
1.524 CaesarZimbo Kaderschmiede 23 en 301
1.525 ArminiuS LEGIO-XI-CPF 150 en 50
1.526 P.Escobar TRIAD-inc.-OMSZ 108 en 63
1.527 sam0t KEMIKTAYF4 104 en 58
1.528 FinnViking - 97 en 56
1.529 CsakNemTan Hungarian-Heroes 105 en 59
1.530 Tertius_Famia Keep_Yourself_Safe 95 sk 38
1.531 KING/FERR - 91 en 49
1.532 Zuczek8888 .HUSARIA. 173 en 47
1.533 zigzag BG 115 en 51
1.534 Ontario Agencja 115 en 49
1.535 Necrus New_Destiny 103 en 65
1.536 Apec Bulgaria681 130 en 51
1.537 Range1 Rulers-of-Rome 148 en 64
1.538 iLKERDEMiR ScourgeOfGod 103 en 61
1.539 *Azrael* asl 244 en 51
1.540 $yndykator .::Cichociemni::. 107 en 47
1.541 OneChanceToWin KOH0RTA 106 en 51
1.542 ))_WoodS_(( - 107 en 51
1.543 Sakorniyet hilalcCc 102 en 58
1.544 Monkey Elite-Legionis 112 en 47
1.545 Passanius - 17 en 56
1.546 LelouchV ANARCHY#1658921987-1 109 en 51
1.547 MiniMeetsEvil - 131 en 59
1.548 LERYLP Gran_Imperio_Maya 106 en 50
1.549 Gwynbleiddd KillandDestroy 125 en 47
1.550 Hadrianus Spitalul9 101 ro 42
1.551 Naytiri Grand_Duchy 90 en 56
1.552 Red75 Legends_of_Rome 149 en 49
1.553 _Perseus_ Renacimiento 160 en 59
1.554 Romi Hunok 101 hu 43
1.555 _Balder_ TiGeR_Corporation_2 103 en 51
1.556 hatnemmindegy Freedom-Fighters-Clan 154 en 59
1.557 Docasny_6630 CandyLand 98 en 51
1.558 Weeking Flipaos_Zaidin_AYV 105 en 65
1.559 Keriepla BigBalls 157 en 63
1.560 Tioz Spitalul9. 101 en 59
1.561 Shade Baghatur 87 en 49
1.562 Cid_cabreado LegioIX_Cohors_Celtiberorum 100 en 65
1.563 Pater-Noster ElBurdeldeRamm 167 en 59
1.564 Lavinia_Falcone DARK_COMPANY 108 en 47
1.565 Hand-of-God Reapers 103 en 303
1.566 vic Minas-Tirith-RO 187 en 59
1.567 LH89 asl 131 en 51
1.568 GeoRge_ Blue.Blood 121 en 59
1.569 CrniNikola The_Triad 124 en 47
1.570 Papa_SSage - 103 us 32
1.571 Jerrynek-Picina Global_HONOR 104 en 64
1.572 Ihanin Legends_of_Rome 122 en 49
1.573 Anduin Blue.Blood 125 en 59
1.574 Aleandro Infinity 101 en 46
1.575 beblok Upadle_Anioly 137 en 47
1.576 martoon POLSKA_HUSARIA 145 en 301
1.577 Pudge - 113 en 50
1.578 *Gannicus* ---+=Legie.Vikingu=+--- 120 en 64
1.579 Chiex ScourgeOfGod 100 en 61
1.580 +JACERUBA+ TiGeR-Corporation 184 en 51
1.581 BlackHand Veterani 106 en 57
1.582 Shrudha Empire_Bay 136 en 51
1.583 .BB `Dark_Forest` 125 en 51
1.584 PsyCho906 Labuznici...s.r.o. 107 en 60
1.585 ManBearPig DEATH_STARS 108 en 69
1.586 Yoger Victory_Erdos 107 en 47
1.587 Morpheus[T] TiGeR-Corporation 164 en 51
1.588 Awantia seven 126 en 49
1.589 KingCaPoNe SPARTANII 101 ro 45
1.590 SpartacusTK HEAD_HUNTERS 178 en 51
1.592 Ichorus - 102 en 51
1.593 Angel_of_Verdun Kingdom_of_HEAVEN 124 en 51
1.594 Phi965t Ghosts_of_Coliseum 168 en 59
1.595 PriorCrassus Infinity 101 en 46
1.596 Ven7us Claudius 100 bg 30
1.597 MedicusBalbinus samproticelemusvetu 12 en 56
1.598 MadFa FURIA 112 sk 36
1.599 Burghezul41 RO+MD 101 en 55
1.600 Yona BrightMoon 128 en 51