This is the ultimate arena, gathering gladiators from all around the world! In this arena, gladiators do not fight for gold or experience, they fight for a place in the world's top ranking! You can enter and fight in this arena by using the Gladiatus Crazy Addon.
The Global Arena has 15.572 players.
The king of the arena is ***STONE*** of the ScourgeOfGod undefeated for 3 hours
Second in the arena is Gregorius! of the --ABSOLUT-- undefeated for 6 hours
Third in the arena is macaille of the La.Sixieme.Legion.Du.Sang. undefeated for 3 hours
# | Name | Guild | Level | Country | Server |
15.301 | RefikusPepegus | RESUSCITAS | 49 | cz | 57 |
15.302 | _CEIFADOR_ | CrowNation | 51 | en | 303 |
15.303 | LGDS.Franckus | Les_Guerriers_Du_Sphinx | 126 | en | 63 |
15.304 | GucciSabia | VeniVidiVici | 41 | ro | 48 |
15.305 | TribuneAppius | Honor_et_Gloria | 65 | en | 301 |
15.306 | Tezu | SUPRANATURAL | 86 | ro | 48 |
15.307 | zmar | The_Shadow_Garden | 85 | en | 71 |
15.308 | DzonyM | AVALON | 81 | cz | 57 |
15.309 | AugustaTrojan | FullHouseGladiators | 27 | il | 16 |
15.310 | PraetorGratian | Vincimus | 31 | en | 301 |
15.311 | Egzekutor62 | ..GLADIATORS.. | 46 | en | 55 |
15.312 | Mericeyn | New_OLD | 106 | en | 301 |
15.313 | Genesis | - | 40 | ro | 49 |
15.314 | DeMot | -COLOSSEUM- | 102 | en | 58 |
15.315 | [-BB-]Galothus | Buclate_Boubelky | 86 | cz | 56 |
15.316 | MedicusSentius | Cavaleiros_Do_Zodiaco | 40 | br | 56 |
15.317 | ASDRUBALE | ANGELS | 10 | it | 48 |
15.318 | Leeroy | Templerorden | 96 | en | 59 |
15.319 | FlameofUdun | - | 64 | ro | 48 |
15.320 | ABC* | KIEDY? | 33 | pl | 63 |
15.321 | ImSebitah | BlackLion | 43 | ar | 45 |
15.322 | Vlatar | SoulCalibur | 20 | il | 16 |
15.323 | rabioso | Senatus.Populusque.Romanus | 95 | bg | 33 |
15.324 | GiDeRBeY | BLOCK | 91 | tr | 60 |
15.325 | mistake | AVALON | 74 | cz | 57 |
15.326 | DuxLeo | WhyNoT | 24 | sk | 42 |
15.327 | Azhaz | *BEST-FRIENDS* | 107 | en | 59 |
15.328 | MarJinaL | Elite_Gladiators | 96 | tr | 59 |
15.329 | PikaPika | ASL | 47 | bg | 34 |
15.330 | Ahmet | Latviesi | 97 | en | 303 |
15.331 | Krwawy_Steffan | Tax-Evaders | 86 | pl | 61 |
15.332 | GeniusZ | ArnyEnklave | 72 | hu | 50 |
15.333 | Tessie | Legion-of-Death | 98 | cz | 53 |
15.334 | TavaMamma | Lietuva | 87 | lv | 17 |
15.335 | Secum | Eskiler | 106 | tr | 59 |
15.336 | Pamir | Oldschool_Gladiators | 83 | sk | 42 |
15.337 | PraetorFaustus | DejaVu | 15 | cz | 57 |
15.338 | LoSpezzino | FALCHI_ITALIANI | 87 | en | 59 |
15.339 | sampon | Oldschool_Gladiators | 52 | sk | 42 |
15.340 | MasterSabinus | .Spartans | 100 | en | 301 |
15.341 | drpetrovic | Dark_Forest_Academy | 7 | en | 51 |
15.342 | Lucka | - | 7 | cz | 54 |
15.343 | PilusTuscus | Galaktyka_Kurwix | 93 | pl | 56 |
15.344 | TribuneNinnius | - | 8 | en | 301 |
15.345 | Cabbardes | GUNES | 92 | tr | 60 |
15.346 | Buxelam | - | n/a | en | 72 |
15.347 | Bartakus | Fanatycy | 42 | pl | 63 |
15.348 | Smith2318 | Dr4matic | 21 | ar | 44 |
15.349 | Bonkers | *Braterstwo_Miecza* | 95 | en | 47 |
15.350 | ComesFasti | Caed | 10 | es | 51 |
15.351 | PriorTatianus | Sons-of-Anarchy | 30 | ro | 49 |
15.352 | MasterMacrinus | - | n/a | fi | 20 |
15.353 | Lio | Elite_Gladiators | 61 | tr | 59 |
15.354 | YitanZk | ZeitenKampf | 20 | en | 301 |
15.355 | AurigaAttius | Francs | 11 | fr | 47 |
15.356 | Coie | - | 28 | en | 66 |
15.357 | Faust | Najemnicy | 91 | pl | 63 |
15.358 | Faby | Irmandade_Cavaleiros_da_Luz | 87 | br | 57 |
15.359 | Bleidzior | Top_Tier_Legends | 27 | pl | 63 |
15.360 | ChiChi | Donquixote-Family | 86 | us | 35 |
15.361 | [IP]Taira | Imperias_Elite | 111 | en | 64 |
15.362 | Hewra | - | 11 | en | 301 |
15.363 | Eins | .Spartans.Academy | 96 | en | 301 |
15.364 | EmperorAmnius | - | 12 | pt | 30 |
15.365 | LauchaGG | TheGoons | 81 | es | 56 |
15.366 | Luke | *ChlopakiDoWziecia* | 33 | pl | 62 |
15.367 | Homer159 | Phoenix.skolka | 28 | en | 55 |
15.368 | Ninja1 | orozak | 83 | en | 55 |
15.369 | activaX | TheLegion | 25 | en | 72 |
15.370 | MAMYLODOCE | - | n/a | pl | 63 |
15.371 | Ingenui_Victor | - | 8 | hu | 48 |
15.372 | Migrator | Monument | 94 | en | 63 |
15.373 | Lilith | Ditadura | 131 | br | 54 |
15.374 | Ravaszbohoc | Graveyard | 86 | en | 63 |
15.375 | Helytartoo | Monument | 92 | en | 63 |
15.376 | LOONA | [LEGENDS] | 104 | en | 51 |
15.377 | +-+ | BRATIA | 91 | sk | 41 |
15.378 | Hroiss | Oldschool_Gladiators | 86 | sk | 42 |
15.379 | GladiatorkaNika | freedomiB | 90 | sk | 35 |
15.380 | Sobrenatural | Irmandade_Cavaleiros_da_Luz | 90 | br | 57 |
15.381 | Hunviper | - | 10 | de | 49 |
15.382 | BXEXxx | MEYHANE | 116 | tr | 59 |
15.383 | Zeus | Donquixote-Family | 37 | us | 35 |
15.384 | 8krasnyyresurs8 | - | 13 | en | 301 |
15.385 | BitteNicht | Bund-der-Schatten | 62 | en | 50 |
15.386 | sunset | Secret-Special-Force | 90 | tw | 22 |
15.387 | Astaroth | ANGELS | 85 | it | 48 |
15.388 | Kidon | New_OLD | 97 | en | 301 |
15.389 | ComesCatius | - | 16 | tr | 59 |
15.390 | Violet | Cartel_Of_Narcos | 101 | en | 51 |
15.391 | CleganeTheHound | AVENGERSs | 142 | en | 51 |
15.392 | Kicky | Hoodboyz | 22 | de | 50 |
15.393 | AncientQueen48 | newagehares | n/a | en | 58 |
15.394 | JamesBond | AVALON | 83 | cz | 57 |
15.395 | Phartell | COLISEU | 20 | br | 57 |
15.396 | KojotusMaximus | Husaria-Polska | 31 | pl | 62 |
15.397 | Klem | - | 7 | tr | 60 |
15.398 | Asel | GUNES | 92 | tr | 60 |
15.399 | Ozone | BLOCK | 93 | tr | 60 |
15.400 | AedileQuintus | -RomE- | 91 | en | 71 |